Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

breaking bad (reprise)

I’ve been wanting to watch Breaking Bad again ever since it ended. Jake, who didn’t see it the first time around, also wanted to watch it, so we watched it together over the course of the past few months. It was just as good the second time around, though you definitely have a different perspective on all of the characters. Jake really liked it and Brian even joined us for a number of episodes. Up next in the Netflix streaming queue: American Horror Story.


The three of us did a Family Movie Night last night and watched this movie. For what it was, it was fine. On a scale of Ender’s Game to The Hunger Games, it fell in between. Apparently there is a sequel, which we will be watching. Jake read the first book in the series and really enjoyed it. I’m not sure if I will be reading the books, but I just might.

My rating: 3/5

sons of anarchy

Jake and I watched the series finale last night. I was mostly satisfied with the ending (but at this point, I’m happy any time a show ends and the main characters are not sitting in a diner while a Journey song plays). This final season, on the other hand, was a bit much to swallow. It definitely had some interesting moments, but the whole premise for the season was off. Overall, though, I really enjoyed this show.

My rating: 4/5


We’ve been prepping for the holiday ever since Black Friday. I managed to do 99% of my shopping over the Thanksgiving weekend and figured out the rest. We usually don’t decorate and put the tree up until mid-December, but Jake wanted to do that earlier this year, so we did just that. I finished making the Christmas cards and am in the process of mailing them this week. I still need to wrap gifts (which I will be doing this coming weekend) and make some treats. I’m only doing people treats this year (and not many at that). Sorry, dogs (I’ll make it up to you later). We’re having Christmas dinner here, but there’s not a lot I can do for that until closer to the day. I do have the menu figured out. I hope I’m not missing anything. If I am, I’m sure it will become apparent closer to the day.


I’ve been wanting to get out of the rental business for a little while now. But, since we have continually had renters since we bought our rental house in 2011, getting out hadn’t been an option–until now. Our most recent tenant moved out at the end of last month. This has given me time to sow the seeds of my discontent with Brian. After spending yesterday afternoon painting the living room of the rental (and my argument was helped in a small part by the fact that the toilet wouldn’t stop running when we were there and, when he tried to use the shut off valve, it started leaking all over the place. now the water to the whole house is off…), I think I finally have him convinced.

On one hand, having the extra income is great. On the other hand, our main source of income keeps us quite busy and it would be nice to be able to relax on the weekends instead of having to do improvement projects at yet another property (in addition to our house, we also own our office building, so we’re already maintaining two properties).

Of course, if we’re going to sell it, we have a lot more work to do than if we’re just going to rent it again. Our intention of painting the living room and dining room and replacing the carpeting has turned into painting (or possibly remodeling the kitchen), replacing outlets/switch covers,installing new blinds, doing some cleanup maintenance outside, performing a thorough cleaning of the place, and more! So, I guess this means we’re going to be busy for the next couple of months.
That said, I would be amenable to having rental properties in the future. Note, that I said properties. If we had a couple of them, we could afford to hire someone for all of this maintenance stuff. With one, not so much.
Worst case, if the place doesn’t sell quickly, we could always rent it out again.