Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

weekend getaway

Since we enjoy going to Forest County so much, I thought it might be fun to take a weekend trip there this winter. We stayed at The Storybook Cabin, which is the place we stayed at our first time up there. We left Friday around lunchtime and returned today. The cabin was very cozy and we stayed in all weekend, with the exception of an afternoon trip to Blackbird Distillery. The offerings at the distillery were delicious.

We did have some excitement at the cabin. On Friday night, just as we were finishing our supper, two guys knocked on our door. One was carrying a tire iron. At first glance it looked a little nefarious, but it turned out that they were two boy scouts with a flat tire. Brian tried to help them out, but they ended up stripping one of the lug nuts, so he ended up taking them to the camp they were staying at, which was about 20 minutes up the road.
Regardless, we’re all refreshed and ready to tackle another work week. And, best of all, it’s only 5.5 months till we go to Forest County again.

the hunger games: mockingjay part 1

Jake and I went to the Westwood Plaza Theatre to see this movie. Bonus: it was at 6:15 so we had supper there.

The movie was quite good. It’s been a while since I’ve read the books, but I think it followed the story pretty well. Much like in the Harry Potter series, they have broken the last book up into two movies. I was wondering how they were going to pull it off, but I was fairly satisfied with how this one ended.

My rating: 4/5

horns (the movie)

I was kind of excited when I heard they were making a movie out of this book because I really, really liked it. On the other hand, how often is it that the movies made from books are a disappointment? Pretty often.

That said, the movie started off pretty slow, so I was a little worried at the beginning, but once the horns popped out, things got interesting. Overall both Brian and I liked it, but could it have been better? Definitely.

My rating: 3.5/5

progress report

The investment property spruce-ups are going well. We finished painting the living room, dining room and stairwell on Saturday afternoon. This leaves the kitchen, which is going to be a chore because we’re also painting the cabinets. There are some other things to do, of course, but they are minor in comparison to the kitchen project. I’m hoping to wrap things up by the end of February so we can get the house on the market (the sooner the better, really). That night, the two of us (Jake was in NY visiting his cousins) went to a party at my brother’s house, so at least I didn’t have to cook after working all afternoon.

last vegas

Brian and I watched this last night. It was amusing enough–kind of like the Hangover movies, but tamer and with old people.

My rating: 3/5