Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

to live and die in l.a.

This was a pretty good movie that we watched on Brian’s recommendation (he saw it when it originally came out in the mid 80s). This crime drama starred a young Willem Dafoe as a counterfeiter who was wanted by the Secret Service. It had a great chase scene in it and was engaging overall. Brian felt that it held up well (oftentimes those older movies don’t).

My rating: 3.5/5


What an unusually beautiful day for December. I took advantage of the nice weather and mulched the strawberries and garlic. While I was out there, I glanced into the pond, only to find that the koi had died. Curiously, a goldfish and the catfish also died this fall. I’m not even sure if there are any other fish in there at this point, but I do find it odd that potentially all of the fish have died. I guess there’s nothing I can do about it till spring, but it’s a bummer.

the 4th day of xmas

We had Christmas at our house yesterday. My parents, brother and his crew, and a friend of my mom’s attended the dinner. Brian’s mom had to work so the three of them stopped over later in the afternoon. It was a nice day. I’m off today, so Brian went to work. We always alternate days off over Christmas to ensure someone’s at the office, though this is becoming less of an issue since our employee numbers are growing.

This concludes our scheduled Christmas activities. Not sure if anything else will come up, but I woke up with Jake’s cold this morning, so I doubt I will be in the mood to do anything over the weekend.

the 3rd day of xmas

We spent Christmas Eve at my in-law’s. It was fairly laid back–just us, the in-laws and our niece and her boyfriend. We had a nice dinner and then went to church, which was less than an hour in length (gasp!). After church, we went back to the house and did my favorite Christmas activity–we opened gifts.

blue ruin

I read an article on the best movies of 2014 or some such time period and this one looked interesting. It was available on Netflix streaming and I didn’t have anything going on last night, so I decided to watch it.

This was a revenge film, but not in the classic sense (i.e. not in the Liam Neeson ass-kicking sort of way). Basically, this homeless guy finds out that the person who killed his parents (is he homeless due to what happened to his parents? who knows.) is being released from prison and he decides to kill him (or maybe he planned to do this all along). Also, don’t think what I just wrote is a spoiler because this all happens within the first five or ten minutes of the movie. What else is left, you might ask? Well, I guess you’ll have to watch the movie to find out. Also, I wanted to note that there is a distinct lack of dialogue in this movie as a lot of scenes only have the main character in them and he doesn’t go around talking to himself (and there’s no voiceover to tell us his thoughts), but it was a pretty engrossing film nonetheless.

My rating: 3.5/5