Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

it’s that time

The weather was finally decent enough to get outside for a couple of minutes the other evening. I removed the straw from the strawberry beds and the netting from the pond. I thought all of my fish died last fall, but there was one swimming around in there. I guess that is a good sign–I thought there was a problem with the pond water.

There is so much to do outside, but it looks like there are going to be some nice days this month, so I guess I’ll get things done then.


This movie, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, was acted and shot well, but I just couldn’t get past the lack of redemption, hence my rating. Brian, on the other hand, really liked it. He even stayed awake till the end.

In other weekend news, we made a much needed trip to Costco. Besides the usual stuff, we bought a number of large pots to be used in some container gardening we’re going to be doing this summer. Score!

My rating: 3/5 (for the movie, not the weekend)


Our investment property has been listed! For obvious reasons, I hope it sells quickly. I was comparing it to similarly priced properties and I have to say, it looks better than any of the ones I was looking at. We never had a problem renting it out–people always loved the place. So, I guess we have that working in our favor.

One negative is that we have to have the sewer line done prior to the sale, but it’s going to need to be done eventually, anyway, so I guess I shouldn’t worry about that.

gone girl (the movie) and other things

Brian and I watched this movie last night. I was really looking forward to seeing it, but I found it to be a tad disappointing. I think it was because I loved the unexpected twists of the book and since I already knew what was going to happen, it wasn’t as engaging. Also, the “diary” portions of the story were better in the book than in the movie (but I guess this is a no-brainer since they are written). Overall, I think they did a good job with it, but the book was definitely better.

My rating: 3.5/5

In other news, the three of us went out for dinner at Off the Rak with Carol and Bob (also last night). As always, it was great to see them. Brian and I also wrapped things up at our investment property today so that will be on the market as soon as our realtors can get it listed. The only negative of the weekend is that Jake picked up a stomach virus and was sick all last night. He stayed at a friend’s house Friday night and someone there was sick and as luck would have it… You might want to buy stock in Clorox and Lysol as I have been going through those products at an alarming rate today. Fingers crossed that Brian and I can dodge the bug.

almost there

We almost have things wrapped up at our investment property. I think I have one minor thing left on my “to do” list and Brian has a few on his. But, all of the obvious stuff is done so we met with our realtors yesterday so they could do a walk-through of the property. Luckily for us, everything looked good to them, so we just need to wrap up those last few things this weekend and then we’ll be putting it on the market!