Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I need to delay Jake’s birthday by about two weeks. Unfortunately, his family party is today. While, I worked my butt off the past few weeks, the yard is still not in order. Plus there’s a pile of garbage in our front yard–spring cleanup always seems to fall during his party. On the plus side, since the weather has been so warm, I have most of my garden planted. And, today’s weather is supposed to be nice.


This movie was about a kid going to a music conservatory and his ambitions to be one of the best drummers ever. Brian and Jake really liked it. I thought it was fine. I mean the acting was great and all, but the story was a little weak, if you ask me. Also, I don’t like jazz and that’s the genre that was being represented.

My rating: 3/5

in a nutshell

I feel like I got my money’s worth out of this weekend. One project was completed, another one is well underway and we even fit in a family event (my step-niece’s first communion party).

Last fall, we redid the decking and railing on the back porch at the office. Due to the way the previous railing was designed, this involved some patching of the brick and also resulted in some unpainted areas (all of the building’s brick is painted). Additionally, some new wooden trim pieces were installed and they also needed to be painted. When we did the project, it was too cold to paint, but not anymore. Jake and I primed everything on Saturday and Brian and I painted on Sunday. Cross that one off the list.

We’re also in the midst of reworking the pond and that is progressing nicely. Thus far, we’ve removed the stream, installed all of the hardware, and have the base rocks down. I also sealed the waterfall with landscape foam last night, so I’ll be able to turn the pump on again today. I’ll let that run for a day or so to make sure there are no leaks and then we’ll cap off the rocks and call it done.


Despite the fact that every season of the show had the same plot, the series had some hilarious dialog going on–witty stuff. It probably should have ended a season or two ago, though. The last season was a bit of a disappointment (not as funny as the previous ones) and I was ready for it to be over. But, overall, I rather did enjoy watching.

My rating: 4/5

tomato challenge

Have I ever mentioned how much Buster loves tomatoes? Let me count the ways…

Buster has always loved vegetables, but he has a special affinity for tomatoes. In fact, I taught him the “tomato” command wherein he will stop barking and sit for a tomato. Unfortunately, in seven years, this is the only thing I’ve taught him.

Recently Brian disputed how deep Buster’s love for tomatoes is and challenged me to a treat-off of Bil-Jac vs. tomato. And, it was a loaded challenge at that. Buster happens to love Brian more than anything (except tomatoes) and represented the Bil-Jac end of the challenge. I represented the tomato end. Buster stood between us and we held both treats in front of his nose, then we walked away in different directions in order to find out which treat he would follow. The result? The tomato, of course.