Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

almost there

We almost have things wrapped up at our investment property. I think I have one minor thing left on my “to do” list and Brian has a few on his. But, all of the obvious stuff is done so we met with our realtors yesterday so they could do a walk-through of the property. Luckily for us, everything looked good to them, so we just need to wrap up those last few things this weekend and then we’ll be putting it on the market!

22 jump street

We watched this cleverly named sequel last night. While it was amusing, I thought the first movie was better, but I guess that’s how it usually goes with sequels.

My rating: 3/5

a good marriage

This is not a commentary about the state of my union, rather it is a movie review of the adaptation of the Stephen King short story by the same name.

This move was pretty much panned by the critics, but I loved the story so much that I just had to watch it. I think they got a number of things right, but the movie did not have the depth of the book. I also thought the husband half of the equation was played pretty well but the wife character seemed different than I remembered. Also, the ending was not the same (the crux was the same, but it was played out in a different manner that, frankly, did not add anything to the story).
My rating: 3/5

abducted 2 (pacific coast justice)

For a freebie, this wasn’t bad. It was a standard cop/suspense type of book, but the author was a Christian author and I felt that all of the proselytizing took away from the story. Still, it was a pretty quick read.

My rating: 3/5

this is where i leave you

This movie had a couple of my favorite actors in it (Jason Bateman and Tina Fey), so I was expecting a little more from it, but I still found it to be rather entertaining. The story was about four adult siblings who sit shiva in their childhood home after their father’s death. Judging from the previews, it looked to be a straight up comedy, but it was really more of a dramedy (which I don’t mind, but just sayin’).

My rating: 3.5/5