Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I have to admit, I wasn’t the hugest fan of this character when she was first introduced in the Mr. Mercedes series. Not that I had anything against her, but she wasn’t that memorable to me.

However, I loved this novel, where she was the main character. It reminded me of Grafton’s alphabet series but with a Stephen King slant. Unlike most of his books, this one didn’t have a supernatural angle. Some of my favorite stories from him are ones like that.

I’m hoping for more Holly tales in the future!

My rating: 4/5

kenny wayne shepherd

I was itching to go to a show and saw that Kenny Wayne Shepherd was playing at The Palace Theatre, so I decided to go. I wouldn’t call myself a fan of the band (I really only knew their one hit from like 30 years ago, Blue on Black), but I do love blues rock, so I figured it would be good. And, it really was!

john wick

I really enjoyed the first movie in the series, so I’m definitely going to watch the rest. It had a bunch of my favorite character actors in it, too, so that was a nice bonus. This was a really great action movie, except for the puppy killing part. I guess the moral of this story was don’t mess with a man’s puppy. Or Mustang.

Netflix has the first three movies from the series, but they’re only available until the end of this month, so it looks like I’m going to watch them this month.

My rating: 3.5/5


There were a couple trees that I planted too close to the house. I had them trimmed once a couple years ago, but they continued to grow, as trees do. So, I decided to have them removed. That happened today. There were two oak trees in the front and one maple in the back. Yet, I still have a lot of trees in the yard. I had another maple in the back trimmed. The maple that was removed from the back was a lesser problem, but I figured while they were here, might as well take care of everything.

The guys tried to be careful in the yard, but with all of the rain we’ve been getting, I ended up with some ruts from the equipment. I will probably have to fix them in the spring. We’ll see how it looks then. It’s still winter, you know! One thing is for sure, raking leaves is going to be a lot easier this year. Those oak trees in the front were terrible–they’d hold onto their leaves forever and I’d be outside raking them when it was 30 degrees. I still have two more oak trees in the front, but they’re a lot smaller, so they won’t be a problem for a long time (and they’re closer to the road than the house).

born to die

This was a pretty good novel about a serial killer. Not sure if I would seek out other stories in the series, but I did enjoy it. It was definitely a page-turner, especially near the end. And receiving a new Stephen King book, Holly, while I was reading it was extra motivation to finish.

My rating: 3.5/5