Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

baby reindeer

I heard about this Netflix limited series recently and had to see what the hype was about. Based on a true story, the series was about a man’s weird relationship with his female stalker. This stalker would give Annie Wilkes a run for her money.

Overall, I thought it was pretty good, though a bit cringey in spots. I think the cringey-ness was on purpose, but that didn’t make it any easier to watch.

My rating: 3.5/5

killer smile

This was a classic Scottoline novel. I like this style of novel a lot more than the newer stuff she’s been writing. Plus it had a bunch of familiar characters in it as it was from the Rosato & Associates series.

My rating: 3.5/5

worthless freebie

Mint Mobile is my cellphone provider. Yesterday, I received an email newsletter saying I was eligible for 6 months of Paramount+ Essential for free. That sounds like a good deal, right? I signed up and was disappointed that the few movies I was interested in weren’t included with that plan (you have to upgrade to the Showtime plan to view them).

Anyway, I looked around, but there’s not really anything I want to watch. I found one show that I’m going to check out, but that’s it for now.

the backroom saloon and progress outside

I met a friend for lunch today at The Backroom Saloon in Ebensburg. I’ve been seeing their food and drinks on Facebook and wanted to give it a try. I thought the food was pretty good! I got a buffalo chicken flatbread. We were there for lunch as they were only open until 3 today, but I’d love to check out their dinner menu and drinks another time.

Since I was driving past Home Depot on my way home, I stopped there to get some supplies for some of my summer projects. I had a $15 off $100 coupon that expires this week, so I needed to get there soon, anyway. When I got home, I power-washed the patio, which took forever, and then I got the furniture and whatnot arranged. I also mowed the front yard this evening. I still have a lot to do, but it looks like the nice weather is here to stay, so I guess I have all summer to complete the rest of my tasks.

garden update

I always seem to be behind when it comes to the garden. The weather hasn’t been cooperative this spring, so that is my current excuse. I did manage to transplant the kale and Swiss chard that I planted from seed. And I’ve planted some other seeds in the house. However, I have not been able to direct seed anything yet or plant the onion sets that I purchased. We did have some decent days last week, but I was busy cleaning up the yard in preparation for this week’s brush pickup by the township. Now that I’m done with that, hopefully I can catch a few nice days and get caught up in the garden.