Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

zero day

This should have been a great limited series, but it was lacking in something. That something was not the cast. It had Robert De Niro, Jesse Plemons, Angela Bassett, and more. The story was about a zero day cyber attack that happened in the US. De Niro played the lead investigator. I did like how it ended. It just took a while to get there.

My rating: 3/5

will & harper

In this documentary, Will Ferrell and his newly transitioned friend, Harper, travel across the country to bond as friends and introduce Harper to the country. It is a heartwarming story about two friends. I would have expected more backlash for the trans thing in the middle of the country, but even at a Trump dive bar in Oklahoma, Harper found acceptance. The only exception to that was in Texas, but what do you expect from a state where people don’t vaccinate their children? Anyway, it turns out that Ferrell is a top-notch friend.

gwendy’s magic feather

Several years ago, Stephen King and Richard Chizmar co-authored the novel Gwendy’s Button Box. Richard Chizmar then wrote Gwendy’s Magic Feather in 2019, I wasn’t in a super hurry to read it since Stephen King wasn’t involved, but a couple of years ago Stephen King wrote the third and final (?) installment in the series, Gwendy’s Final Task, so things got more urgent at that point. Three years later, I’ve finally read the book! I thought it was pretty good. It was a quick read–short chapters always make me read a book quickly because what’s one more chapter?!?

My rating: 3.5/5

laundry room: phase 1

The first phase of the laundry room is complete. It was supposed to consist of painting the walls and ceiling, but I did more than that. I took out the retractable clothesline and added a wall-mounted drying rack in its place. I also replaced the wall-mounted storage rack (for the mops, dustpan, etc.) with a new one. And the utility sink wasn’t looking great, so I replaced it and the faucet, too. I also bought a new piece of artwork and hung a few other existing (small) pieces in the room. I had to replace the light, too, because the old one would not work with the beam. I probably did a couple of other minor things as well but that’s the gist of it.

I previously mentioned that the shutoff valves for the sink did not work. I bought new shutoff valves on Sunday and installed them and they leaked (a very slow drip through the threads). I tried removing them and reinstalling them with the same results. Some people online recommended thread sealant so I picked some up after work on Monday and that did the trick. Some people use the sealant, others use the tape, and others use both. I went with both and if I ever have to do this again, I will use both again.

The intended laundry room project is to put up a fake beam to hide the pipes and cables that run along the ceiling. But it didn’t make sense to do that without painting first, and then all of the other stuff looked bad after that, so the whole room got an overhaul. I’m not complaining, though. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out and once the beam is up that room won’t need anything else for a long time.

pamela: a love story

Since I’m on a Pamela Anderson roll, I watched her documentary last night. It was pretty interesting. Having lived through the Pammy and Tommy thing, I was surprised to learn that they were only together a few years. It seemed like forever at the time. She seems to be having a late-life resurgence. She was on Broadway a couple years ago, as I learned from watching the show and I’ve been hearing about her movie, The Last Showgirl, which sounds pretty good. Good for her!