Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

in absentia

I’m going to make up for my lack of posts in the past week by doing two in a row. It was a crazy kind of week at work and the house.

Jake was supposed to leave for Disney with my family on Tuesday, but his flight got canceled (after spending hours at the airport in Latrobe). It was rescheduled for the next evening. And then it got canceled again, but this time it was well in advance. Though they don’t tell you, both cancellations were likely due to bad weather (not around here, but from the airplane’s origin). This time, my brother rescheduled the flight out of Pittsburgh and they were able to leave Wednesday afternoon with no problems. They are coming home today and their flight is currently scheduled to leave on time. Let’s hope it stays that way.

At work, everyone is diligently working to wrap up a big project that we landed last summer. It has a hard deadline of June 30, but we’re hoping to finish everything this week. Not to mention, there are about another two dozen projects in the works, so things have been hectic for sure. I’m just trying to get caught up on my own stuff before we go on vacation. I don’t like having a bunch of work hanging over my head while we’re away. But, there’s still some time before that happens.

We’ve gotten a lot of rain (to say the least) so I haven’t had to spend a bunch of time watering the garden. Nor have I gotten to work out there much due to the weather. But, my garden is doing great so far. I got everything planted early, so it’s further along than it normally would be.

the skeleton twins

This was a decent movie starring Kristin Wiig and Bill Hader. Who knew they could act?!? It was billed as a dramedy, so there were some comedic elements, but it was really more of a drama. The two played estranged (and depressed) twins trying to get their lives back on track. I could have done with a little more closure at the end, but otherwise thought it was ok.

My rating: 3.5/5

low key

It’s been a low key weekend. The guys went camping with Jake’s scout troop so I have the place to myself. But that doesn’t mean I’m slacking. While I’m taking some time to relax, there are still things that need to be done and I accomplished a decent amount of things so far this weekend (six loads of laundry; washed the car; did some Everyone Drinks stuff; general housecleaning).

But, so far, I’ve also watched a couple episodes of OITNB, knitted, read, and napped. Not sure if this qualifies as work or fun, but I canned strawberry preserves and made a dessert. I haven’t really gotten to garden yet this weekend (and by garden, I mean weed), but the garden’s looking pretty good for this early in the season. Interestingly, my tomatoes look better that past years’ plants, but the tomatoes Brian planted in pots look phenomenal. Hopefully this means we’ll have a bunch of tomatoes for canning later in the summer.

more activities

It was a fun but busy three day weekend. Saturday afternoon, Brian and I took a nice motorcycle ride. We’re trying to get out every weekend, when our schedule and the weather permits. So far, we’re doing pretty good. For supper, we grilled up some Whiskey Barrel Burgers on the charcoal grill. They were quite delicious. Brian spent most of the day in the shop. He’s working on a picture frame for a monstrous (in both size and subject matter) print that he purchased recently. I did some gardening in the evening, as I am wont to do.

On Sunday afternoon, we had a graduation party to attend for a neighbor kid (what are these kids doing growing up?) at The Boulevard Grill. In the evening, I cleaned the insides of both vehicles (I would have rather been gardening) and Brian spent some more quality time in the shop.

everywhere that mary went

This was another book from Lisa Scottoline–I have a pile of ’em. It was a pretty quick read and I was due for one of those. I specifically chose it because I knew I’d be getting the new Stephen King book soon, so I wanted to ensure I wasn’t caught up in some book that was going to take a long time to read.

All of Lisa Scottoline’s books (at least the ones I’ve read) feature lawyers as the main characters and this one was no different (they are marketed as “legal thrillers”). Her books are pretty engaging (unless you read a bunch of them in a row) and I typically enjoy them as I did this one. Evidently, this was her first book of fiction, which goes to show that I’m totally reading these books out of order.

My rating: 3.5/5