Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


Alice had a large growth removed from her lip a little over a year ago…and now it’s back. It’s like it came out of nowhere. I don’t know how that happens.

She has not seen the vet about this yet as we’re not sure what we’re going to do about it. Given her general health and age, I’m not sure that another surgery is appropriate. We’re just going to wait and see for a bit before we make any decisions.

fungus among us

My tomatoes were looking good…until yesterday. The fungal problem I’ve seen (for a number of years running) has returned. It’s no wonder with all of the rain we’ve been getting. So, once again, I won’t be getting many tomatoes from the garden. The good news is that we planted some tomatoes in pots and, so far, they are disease-free.

My pepper plants are looking pretty sad, too. I’m blaming the rain for this, as well.

On the positive side of things (besides the fact it hasn’t been super hot), I planted onions from plants (rather than sets) and harvested my first batch this week. They were a respectable size, which is what I was hoping for. I’d like to have a bunch to store over the winter, so I’m off to a good start. Everything else seems to be performing as expected.

the weeds

I haven’t been able to spend much time in the yard/garden these past few weeks due to all of the rain we’ve been getting (nor did we get to do any additional Thunder activities last weekend–Saturday was awful!) and now everything is overrun with weeds. I always say that the majority of my gardening time is spent weeding, but this is ridiculous.

But, if there’s one good thing to be said about cooler, rainy weather, it’s that the water hyacinths in my pond really seem to like it. The new fish we bought are thriving as well. And, I love the new pond filter–the self-cleaning feature is really nice. I should have purchased it years ago.

still alice

This was a really great movie. In it Julianne Moore played a linguistics professor who develops early onset Alzheimer’s. Not surprisingly, she won an Academy Award for her portrayal–it was that good. It’ll have you Googling the symptoms of early onset Alzheimer’s for sure (if not, you’re a better hypochondriac than I). It had some other hefty cast members as well–Alec Baldwin played her husband and Kristen Stewart (who was surprisingly not annoying) played one of her daughters.

Brian doesn’t normally go for depressing movies, but even he liked this one. The only complaint from both of us is that the ending was open-ended. I see this more and more in books and movies, but my preference is for some closure. I mean, you wrote the story, so finish it!

My rating: 4/5

thunder in the valley?

More like rain in the valley. We did manage to squeeze in some activities between the raindrops, but it’s not looking good for the rest of the weekend.

On Wednesday night, we went to Richland Bike Bash. This was our first time there. I thought it was surprisingly busy for a Wednesday night. We ran into some people we knew there and talked to them for a bit.

Thursday, we were supposed to take the afternoon off and go for a ride, but the forecast was calling for rain, so that got nixed. And, rain, it did, so we didn’t get to do anything Thunder-related on Thursday evening, either.

Friday was a different story. The weather was good, so we took the afternoon off and went for a nice, long ride (2.5 hours). Our destination was Gravity Hill. It was not as exciting as I expected. We intended to make a big loop (56 to 30 to 711) but got caught in a rainstorm on the way home, so we ended up coming home via route 219 (where the skies were clear). That night, we met up with Judy and her niece (albeit 30 minutes late) at the Alex Meixner show at PNG Park. We caught a couple of minutes of Donnie Iris (said with a Pittsburgh accent) on the way out. Both he and his band sounded great!

Today, we planned on going to Nanty Glo’s Pool ‘n Pork for supper, but the forecast does not look good for that. If it does happen to stop raining at some point, we’re going to run downtown for a bit.

Sunday, we don’t typically do any Thunder stuff, and since it’s calling for more rain tomorrow, that will likely be the case again this year.