Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

machete kills

We watched this movie Saturday night. Well, some of us managed to stay awake through the whole thing and some of us were too tired from spending the day in the sun (riding motorcycles and shooting guns with my family).

These Machete movies are kind of ridiculous, but I find them very entertaining. I’m not so sure about the next one, Machete Kills in Space, but we’ll see.

My rating: 3.5/5

playing for pizza

I’ve been slacking on reading lately (partly because we’ve been watching a lot of tv in the evenings and partly because of my knitting addiction), so I resolved to read a book a month this year. I believe I’m on track with this goal, but decided to read the shortest book from my stack of dozens this month just to give myself some wiggle room.

The book sounded pretty corny, but it was written by John Grisham, so I figured it couldn’t be all that bad. The story was about a failed NFL quarterback who went to Italy to play for an American-style football league and was surprisingly enjoyable.
My rating: 3.5/5

braces off!

Jake finally got his braces off (on Friday). His appointment was first thing in the morning and I scheduled a dental appointment for the two of us for late morning. He had the braces on for almost 2.5 years. That is a long time. He has to wear a retainer constantly for the next 6 months, then at night for the rest of his life (or, as they like to say at the orthodontist’s office, wear it as long as you’d like to have straight teeth).

I took the day off work, but don’t really have anything else to report about the day. I did nothing when I got home–knitted for a bit and then took a nap. Kind of a wasted day, really.

skinny cat

The mystery might be solved. The other morning, I was getting ready for work and Brian walked out of the bedroom with the cat, who had just jumped into the bed. I went to the kitchen and the gate was still locked. Brian put the cat on the other side of it and then the cat walked through the slats and back into the kitchen (he was too fat to do this before). So, that explains one thing. But, why the gate would have been open two days this week remains a mystery–unless Buster was trying to get away from the cat and went downstairs. That is the only reason I can come up with so far. But, we won’t be pondering this for long because I’m going to order a new gate this weekend. It will be both cat and dog proof.

the curious case of buster and marley

When I got home from work yesterday, the dog gate leading to our family room was open. I assumed someone forgot to latch it, though I would like to note that Buster does know how to open it. But, he doesn’t ever do that unless one of us is downstairs. As I was feeding the dogs their supper, the cat came strolling out of the hallway. I put him back downstairs (he lives in our family room) and didn’t ponder it too much longer, but I thought it was odd that he spent some time upstairs (particularly since all of the dogs are afraid of him).

Today, Brian arrived home from work earlier than I did and he encountered the same scenario–the dog gate was open and the cat was upstairs. So, now we’re thinking that Buster is opening the gate (probably in order to go downstairs for some cat “treats”) and the cat is taking advantage of the situation. I like to think that they both spend the day sleeping in our bed. That would be funny! I do wonder what goes on–if only I had a webcam.

Speaking of the cat, I noticed that he lost some weight, so I took him to the vet to be checked out. It turns out he has hyperthyroidism, so now he’s on pills, too. This geriatric pet thing we have going on is getting more expensive by the week.