Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the beach house

Every once in a while, I’ve got to read some James Patterson. This particular book was co-written by Peter De Jonge. While I don’t usually enjoy the co-written books as much as his solo stuff, this was a pretty good read. Nothing earth shattering, but compelling enough to finish it in short order.

My rating: 3.5/5

10 years

I just realized that I forgot to post about this momentous event…2015 marked Prime Design Solutions‘ 10th year in business and we had a party at the Art Works last Thursday to celebrate the occasion. We invited staff family members, past and present clients, vendors and close friends that have given us support over the years and/or had a hand in our company’s success.

I don’t normally go for stuff like this, but it was a good time. Since all of our staff members are crafty, we also had a small gallery set up which showed everyone’s personal work. The event was catered by Flair of Country, who did an amazing job with the food.

Here’s to another 10 years!


Remember back when we only had fleas to worry about? Those were the days.

Brian and Buster went on a hike this morning. When they returned, I noticed a tick on Buster’s head. I picked it off and started looking for more and found a total of eight on him. Ack. Brian only had one. Still, that is the most ticks I’ve ever seen at once. And I feel like they’re crawling all over me at the moment and I wasn’t even outside! They went on a couple of other hikes this year, but this is the first time we’ve seen ticks on either of them.

As a matter of course, I do not use flea and tick control on the dogs, but rest assured, a trip to Petco was made and flea and tick control has been applied to all pets (in addition to Buster getting a bath). Too little, too late, probably, but it makes me feel better. I might have to reconsider my stance on these products. The reason I don’t like them is because it’s basically like putting poison on your dog every month and I really don’t like the thought of that. But, I guess it’s better than contracting Lyme Disease. I’ll have to do some more research on this over the winter.

the equalizer

This was an entertaining film starring Denzel Washington as a retired CIA operative who comes out of retirement to take down the Russian mob in Boston. That’s really all you need to know–I’m sure you can picture the rest.

My rating: 3/5

do nothing

Talk about a do nothing kind of day. Jake and Brian went to the Steelers game, so I was left to my own devices. Among my accomplishments, I finished a crochet washrag project and did some reading. I also took a nap and went to a tea with my mom in the afternoon. That was about it, though. I’m sure I could have found something that needed to be done, but I need a day like this every once in a while.