Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

r.i.p. alice

Our sweet dog Alice was put to sleep today. Among other health issues, she had been really struggling to get around in recent weeks. And, while it has been a slow progression overall, she got to the point where we had to make a decision.

We were lucky to have had her in our lives for as long as we did. When we adopted her over 9 years ago, we figured she’d only be around for a few years, given her age (approximately 5-6), but boy were we wrong about that.

She was a constant companion (literally, since she followed me around wherever I went). She was our official “office dog” and was part of the company since we opened in 2008. We’ve taken her on a number of vacations. I like to think that she had a good life.

Alice was the best dog. She will be missed.


This was a pretty good war movie. I don’t think it’s going to stick with me like “Saving Private Ryan” did, but it was definitely engaging. The guys liked it, too.

My rating: 3.5/5

buster update

Buster finished his course of antibiotics on Friday, but the swelling in his face did not completely go away. So, I called the vet yesterday and scheduled him for an extraction on the 16th of this month. I was kind of hoping to catch a break with the vet bills after the whole cat thing, but I guess that is not in the cards.

end of an era

Jacob went trick or treating for what I hope was the last time last night (at 15, he’s getting kind of old for this).

Since he didn’t push it and since I don’t like clutter, we didn’t even decorate this year. No pumpkin, either (but, we really need to remedy the pumpkin thing next year).

We had about 60 trick or treaters at our house, which was the expected amount.

And, now the countdown is on for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

mad max: fury road

Brian’s at hunting camp this weekend, so the boy and I watched a movie last night. If you like action, this one is definitely for you–I think the first hour of the film was a chase scene. It’s definitely a movie you have to pay attention to (there’s not a lot of dialog), and I had some trouble with that as I was frustratingly untangling a skein of yarn the entire movie.

This movie was rated amazingly high by the critics, but slightly lower by me (perhaps due to my yarn distraction).

My rating: 3/5