Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

thanksgiving 2015

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone. We hosted dinner this year, so I had a busy day and a half preparing. I took off work yesterday and did most of the prep work then so today was a breeze.

My family (parents, grandmother and brother and his family) were in attendance. Despite the relatively small numbers, it was requested that I make a double batch of mashed potatoes (evidently we didn’t have enough left over the last time we had Thanksgiving here). I also took it upon myself to make a double batch of stuffing as we had none left last time and stuffing is my very favorite Thanksgiving food.

Anyway, it was a nice afternoon and the three of us have already done a round of leftovers. I’m already looking forward to lunch.

there was a little girl

This book was written by Ed McBain. The main characters in it were part of a circus. Coincidentally, Jake and I are currently watching season 4 of American Horror Story, the theme of which is a carnival/freak show. It was a little confusing to be concentrating on two similar stories at once.

At any rate, all Ed McBain books are good and this one was no different. It ended with a cliffhanger, which is unfortunate, because I don’t read the books in orderĀ (the book was part of the Matthew Hope series). Who knows? Maybe I already read the next one in the series.

This always seems to happen, but I received the newest Stephen King book right after I started reading this one, so I’m looking forward to starting that one tonight.

My rating: 3.5/5

one less tooth

Buster had his abscessed tooth removed today. While they were in there, they also cleaned his teeth. I picked him up from the vet’s office at 6 and he’s still pretty out of it. But, at least the problem has been taken care of. Hopefully this will be the end of the vet bills for a little while.

top 13

Brian and I were talking about movies lately and what we thought were the top 10 best–not necessarily our top 10 favorites, but movies we really liked that we thought others should see. For example, Mulholland Drive is one of our favorites, but it didn’t make the cut because it doesn’t appeal to a large enough audience. We also tried to keep it to one film per genre (so that’s why Goodfellas is on there and The Godfather is not).

We couldn’t get the list down to 10, so here’s our top 13 (in no particular order):

  1. The Shawshank Redemption
  2. Pulp Fiction
  3. Fight Club
  4. Goodfellas
  5. Se7en
  6. The Silence of the Lambs
  7. The Usual Suspects
  8. Saving Private Ryan
  9. American History X
  10. The Departed
  11. The Shining
  12. No Country for Old Men
  13. Groundhog Day

the gift

This was an interesting psychological thriller, starring one of my favorites, Jason Bateman. It definitely had a unique premise, but I wish it would have had a firmer conclusion. Still, not a bad way to spend 2 hours.

My rating: 3.5/5