Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

mary, mary

This is the second book I’ve read with this title. I liked this one, which was written by James Patterson, better than the first. This book was pretty good, but if you’ve read one by Patterson, you’ve read them all. The plot twist at the end was completely unpredictable. I hate when that happens. Oh, and this was from the Alex Cross series, which is my favorite series from this author.

My rating: 3.5/5

christmas 2015

It was a flurry of family activities over the holiday and weekend. On Christmas Eve, we celebrated at my parents. Christmas Day was spent with my in-laws. Then, my family came to our house for a visit on Saturday and my in-laws came for a visit on Sunday. And, now I’m back to work! But, it’s a short work week (I’m only working today and Wednesday).

Brian and Jake give me a handmade present each year for Christmas. This year, I received a slew of framed family photos (with handmade frames, of course). The pictures are now hanging on the formerly blank wall of my dining room. That was my nicest present, but the present that I used the most was my adult coloring book (it’s addictive).

the weather

So, this weather, huh? No matter how the rest of the winter goes, this has to be one of the mildest on record. 60 degree temps on Christmas–I’ll take it! Though it is nice to have some snow around the holiday, I can live without it.

I regret that I didn’t plant a fall/winter garden this year. Given the mild temps, it would have been a great year for it. I’m concerned about the garlic I planted–it’s growing like crazy, but it’s supposed to be dormant at this point. I hope it doesn’t mess up my harvest.

the spy who came for christmas

This book was in my “to read” pile. I grabbed it because it was short and it is Christmas. I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. It was a spy story and that part of things was pretty interesting. I wasn’t 100% on board with the ending–it felt a little forced (and not likely to happen).

The book was written by the author who wrote the “Rambo” series of books. Not that I’ve read any of them (or seen the movies for that matter), but I thought that was an interesting tidbit. Apparently he’s quite the action novel writer.

My rating: 4/5

In other Christmas news, we went out to dinner last night (with my Mom’s side of the family) at the Homestead Inn in Elton. It was nice to see everyone again, but the menu, food and service at the restaurant were less than impressive. They’d be a good candidate for Restaurant Impossible. But, I digress.


Brian and I watched the 2015 version of this movie last night. We both thought it was hilarious, which might tell you more about us than you need to know. I wouldn’t say it holds a candle to the original moviesĀ (at least the first few of them), though–the humor was definitely not of the same style. But, it was way funnier than most comedies out there today. It was pretty much rapid-fire jokes throughout.

My rating: 3.5/5