This was another film from our top 13. Brian and I thought it held up pretty well. Jake didn’t seem all that into it. Perhaps the humor wasn’t juvenile enough? I guess it was more of a date-type movie.
At any rate, my rating stands:
This was another film from our top 13. Brian and I thought it held up pretty well. Jake didn’t seem all that into it. Perhaps the humor wasn’t juvenile enough? I guess it was more of a date-type movie.
At any rate, my rating stands:
Lizzy turned 14 yesterday on her observed birthday. We adopted her on September 7, 2002 and she was about 8 months old at the time, so we celebrate her birthday each January. 14 seems like quite a milestone–not many dogs make it to that age. While she has a few health problems, she’s still pretty peppy–you’d never guess she’s as old as she is.
Jake was looking for something to watch last night and came upon this movie. I liked it so much when I was a teenager that I named one of my pets, a parakeet, after it. While the guys thought it was really funny, I was not as amused. But, given my previous affinity for the movie, I’ll give it an extra half point.
My rating: 3/5
This evening, we had our annual Christmas get-together with Judy (and Ben) at El Jalisco. This restaurant is the brother of Rey Azteca. They both have the same menu and whatnot (and the food was just as good). But, I digress. We had a nice visit with the two of them. Plus, there were gifts!
2015 was an average year. There were good times and bad, but overall it was good.
Let’s start with the negatives…
In an attempt to jump-start our move to the country, we attempted to sell our rental property, but to no avail. I guess this counts as more of a first world problem, but it would have been nice to sell it and get things in gear. On the plus side, it is rented out again, so at least we’re getting some income from it (after being empty for a year). Down the road this is going to go one of two ways–we’re either going to dump the property or buy some more.
On a sad note, we lost two of our pets this year. In October, it was our cat Marley and in November, our dog Alice. They both lived long lives, but it’s always sad to lose a pet.
Now for the positives…
We vacationed in Forest County twice last year (and both times, we took Alice). That was a lot of fun. We did a winter weekend trip and our usual summer trip.
I don’t really have a favorite book, movie or album for 2015. I watched a lot of good movies and read a lot of good books, but nothing stands out as a favorite. I didn’t buy a whole lot of albums, though. But, we did get to see the Foo Fighters in concert and it was a great show (they are my current favorite band). As for television, I canceled cable, but that hasn’t had much of an effect on our viewing habits (with the exception of NFL football). We have a digital antenna, Sling TV, Netflix and Amazon, so there’s plenty to watch. My favorite find of the new year is the show The Americans. It’s about two Soviet spies living in America during the cold war era and it’s totally excellent.
The year had a lot of notable work news. 2015 marked Prime Design Solutions’ 10th year in business, which was pretty exciting. We even had a party to celebrate. Earlier in the year, Brian was nominated for a Governor’s ImPAct Award and the two of us got to go to Harrisburg for the event. And, I started a new company, the details of which will be coming soon. So, 2016 should prove to be interesting.