Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

innovative tomato

It seems I’m long overdue for a post, so I might as well take this opportunity to discuss my new company, Innovative Tomato. The company is going to be doing digital marketing, video and mobile apps. Brian and I will run the company in addition to our duties at Prime Design Solutions. We just hired our first employee last week, so that was rather exciting. The company was actually created last fall, but we’re really just starting to ramp things up now that we have an employee to do the work.

One might wonder why on earth we’d start a new company and the reason is that there are some incentives available for new companies that we can’t take advantage of with Prime Design Solutions because it’s no longer “new”. Plus it will give us the opportunity to branch out in different direction.
Anyway, it should be interesting.

the border

I started this book last week and just finished it moments ago. Now, that’s a mark of a good book! It was written by Robert McCammon, who is one of my favorite authors. It told the story of a handful of American survivors during a war between two alien nations that were using earth as their battleground. I am a sucker for a good post-apocalyptic story and this one fit the bill.

My rating: 4/5


In preparation for a possible future move and because our house is overflowing with stuff, we have been decluttering for the past six months. We’ve been taking stuff to the Salvation Army and selling stuff on eBay and Decluttr. Today, my last item will expire (or be sold) on eBay and I will be done for a bit. I’m sure we will find more things to get rid of, but it’s not going to be a large amount by any means. Was it worth my time and effort? I’d say yes. I bet we made close to $1000, so that’s not bad. We had a couple of winners in the sales category (such as Brian’s old thrash cd collection and my rubber stamp collection), but there were also things that I expected to go for more money, that went for 99 cents. I guess you have to take the good with the bad. Overall, it was a positive, but time-consuming experience.


This was an entertaining character study starring Lily Tomlin. I initially added it to my queue because I heard it was a comedy, but it was actually a dramedy. But, sometimes dramedies are funnier than comedies and that was certainly the case with this movie. Case in point: even Jake was laughing out loud at some of the dialog (I wasn’t so sure he was going to like this).

Conservative alert: this movie deals with abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism and a host of other such topics that may offend your conservative ideals. If you had a negative reaction to any of the aforementioned topics, you’re not going to like this movie.

My rating: 3.5/5

lost souls

This was the 4th book in Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein series. It felt like they never got to the actual story. I guess it’ll be in the next one, but I’m going to have to take a break from these for a bit. While I read the book pretty quickly, this was my least favorite from the series thus far.

My rating: 3/5