Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


A couple of weeks ago, my upright freezer started acting up. After a few days of weirdness, it died. Luckily, we didn’t have a lot of stuff in it (and also that I caught the problem while the food was still mostly frozen), so we transported the food to the freezers of our two refrigerators.

Shortly thereafter, we went to Krisay’s to purchase a new freezer. Since the broken appliance was past its expected life expectancy, purchasing a new one, rather than getting the old one fixed, seemed like the better option.

We found one that we liked and they had it in stock, so we scheduled a day for delivery. The old freezer was a tight squeeze, so they had to take it apart in order to get it out of the room–not to mention that the door (and door stop) to the room had to be removed in order to get it out. We bought a slightly smaller capacity freezer, so we didn’t think to check the dimensions when we made the purchase. As it turned out, the new freezer was even bigger than the old one and it would not fit through the entrance to the room (newer freezers have more insulation, so that’s why it was bigger). At that point, they took the new freezer back and we needed to make a decision about what to do next.

After doing some research and finding out that there weren’t any new freezers that were small enough to fit through the entrance, we made the decision to keep the freezer in the family room. Neither of us were thrilled with this idea, but there weren’t really any other options.

the winter people

This book was recommended to me by one of our employees. It’s considered a ghost story, which is decidedly not my favorite genre of horror, but I gave it a shot and am glad that I did. It was quite a good story and was very original. I rather liked it.

My rating: 4/5


While Snowpocalypse 2016 was going on outside, we figured it would be a good time to watch a movie. We were really looking forward to this one. While it was funny, it was nowhere near as funny as we were expecting. Maybe we’re just over the rom-com? I don’t know.

My rating: 3/5

the switch

Jake recently inquired about moving his bedroom upstairs to the room that we call the office. The office is slightly larger than his bedroom and has a better layout, thus prompting the request.

Our upstairs has been in need of new flooring since we moved in. To kick off the project, we ordered some maple laminate flooring for the entire upstairs area. It came in last week and Brian and Jake installed the flooring in the new bedroom yesterday. We got everything moved up there today. We’re still working on putting the office together in the room that was formerly his bedroom.

The goal is to finish the upstairs before the end of the winter. Besides the rest of the flooring, we’re going to paint the bathroom and install new fixtures (it’s just a half bath), install some bifold closet doors to replace the ones we removed 20 years ago (nothing like putting things off), replace some trim, install new railings around the stairs, and the biggest thing is to finish the library. I’m not entirely convinced this last thing will get accomplished by the end of winter, but I’m sure significant progress will occur. It’s going to be so nice up there when we’re done that we’re not going to want to move.

jurassic world

Jake and I watched this movie last night. It was good for what it was. But, I think if we’ve learned anything from these Jurassic movies, it’s that opening a dinosaur theme park is a horrible idea.

My rating: 3.5/5