Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

kurt cobain: montage of heck

I’ve been Nirvana’ed out for about 10 years, but Brian wanted to see this movie so we watched it last night. I think we can both agree that it was a bit slow. Overall, it was pretty interesting, but it did not paint a good picture of Love and Cobain.

My rating: 3/5

that’s better

Due to the weather (snow, rain, what-have-you), I haven’t been able to do much outside this month. It’s just as well, because we’ve been kind of busy. I did manage to make some headway in the garden last night. But, the rest of the yard is overrun with weeds and could use some attention. So that is what I’ll be doing the next couple of nights before it starts raining again. It would also be nice to take a ride on our motorcycles. Just saying.

gun bash

Jacob’s boy scout troop hosted a gun bash today as a fundraiser. I went with the dads (Brian helped out with the bash, so he didn’t get to have any of the fun). Unfortunately, I did not win anything (at least not while I was there–they were still drawing for the guns when I left). But, it was a good time and looked to be a lucrative fundraiser for the troop.


This was a really good movie that centered around the Mexican drug cartels. Plus it had Benicio Del Toro, who is a fine actor. The ending was phenomenal (I do like a good revenge storyline).

My rating: 4/5

busy times

The weekend was kind of busy, with things going on each day. Friday night, Jake played at his school’s Coffee House event, which is like a real coffee house, where performers play music or do poetry. Jake and his friend Kat played a song (Jake was on guitar and Kat, on vocals). They did a great job!

Saturday was the Westmont prom. While Jake is just a sophomore, one of his upperclassmen friends, Megan, invited him to go. We went to her house to get a couple of photos in the afternoon, but that was all of our input that was needed for the event.

Today, we ran to the Pittsburgh area to celebrate my Great Aunt Betty’s 89th birthday. She moved to a home there recently, as that is where her daughter lives. Some other relatives that we never get to see were there, too, so it was good to see them again.