Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

lizzy goat

I came home from work on Monday to find that Lizzy ate a huge piece of her canvas bed cover–it was at least the size of a sheet of paper and is fairly heavy material. I got on the phone with the vet and they said to watch her for signs of distress (or take her to Pittsburgh to get scoped. sigh.). She threw up a couple of times that evening and early the next day but by later that day, she was eating (dog food) again without incident. And, stuff started to come out the other end, so that is good. I thought for sure we were going to end up with an intestinal blockage on our hands. I guess we’re not out of the woods yet since she’s still passing pieces of the cover, but at least things are moving in the right direction. No pun intended.

date morning

Despite the fact that Brian and I are always together due to work, it seems like we never get to do anything fun. So, we’re jumping on the “date night” bandwagon and are trying to schedule some non-work related activities into our lives. The first of these happened Saturday morning, when we went to a muzzleloading gun show at Old Bedford Village.

Date night has only one rule, and that is no talking about work. And, it doesn’t have to happen at night (hey, we’re old and tired by 10pm). We were fairly successful at this on our first attempt.

quick project

Our office kitchen had a long table in it. We had printers and other office-related things on it. The table was made of plastic and started to bow over time. To remedy this, we bought a couple of base kitchen cabinets and got them assembled and installed over the weekend. Only the trim remains for the project (isn’t that always the case?). Unfortunately, since so much time has passed since we originally did the kitchen, we were not able to get matching cabinets or countertop. Still, the new stuff doesn’t look bad and it’s in the same vein as the originals.

back in business

I was notified that my sidecar was ready to be picked up today, so Brian and I took a trip to Salix to get it. I had it painted at Gary’s Custom Painting and they did a great job! I can’t believe how good it looks. Now, I just need a nice day so I can put it back on the frame.

garden kick off

It was kind of nice this week, so I got a few things planted in the garden–namely, peas and onions. There’s a lot of work to do out there as the warm winter didn’t do much to kill off the weeds. But, I guess that’s going to have to wait for a bit as the near term forecast doesn’t look all that great.

I started planting stuff inside, too, and will be doing more of that in the coming weeks. So far, just peppers and fennel, but I’m due to plant tomatoes this weekend. Spring is here!