But we did anyway. We had a free moment yesterday afternoon, so we went for a quick motorcycle ride. It was rather like riding into the air of a hair dryer, even though we took the relatively shady path of the Somerset Pike. It was too hot for dogs, so Lizzy had to sit this one out.
garden 2016
My garden is kind of blah this year. I’m not sure what the problem is. It doesn’t seem to be as far along at this point as normal. For example, last year, by this time, I had already canned a batch of pickles. This year, I’ve only collected a handful of cukes from the garden and most of the plants are still tiny. I guess some years are better than others. My tomatoes are getting spots on the leaves again, too. But, the ones we planted in pots in the front yard look fantastic, so we should still get a good harvest.
I’m trying the succession planting thing again this year. I haven’t had much luck in previous years, but we’ll see how it goes. Instead of direct sowing, I’m planting most things indoors and then transplanting them, with the hope I will have better results. Time will tell.
10 cloverfield lane
This was kind of a sequel to Cloverfield, but not really. It did have some clever marketing, though. The beginning of the movie was pretty engrossing, but once you definitively find out what’s going on, the intensity dropped off a bit. And for that, I’m taking away a half point from my rating.
My rating 3.5/5
Jake’s mouth is three teeth lighter and my wallet is about $1,500 lighter (thanks, Obama*). Jacob had his wisdom teeth extracted this morning (he only had three of them). The procedure went smoothly and he’s doing as well as one would expect, so no complaints there.
*We used to have really good insurance (i.e. no deductible), but thanks to the “Affordable” Care Act, our premiums increased so much that we had to switch to a deductible plan (which, by the way, costs us a lot more than the no deductible plan used to). And when I say “our” I mean our office’s plan, in which we cover the full cost for our employees to have health insurance. The good news is that if Jacob needs any further procedures this year, his deductible has been met.
black mass
This was a pretty good mobster movie, but by no means a classic. It told the story of James “Whitey” Bulger, an Irish mobster in Boston. But I guess that’s probably redundant to say–where else would story about the Irish Mob take place?
Definitely worth a watch if you enjoy this genre.
My rating: 3.5/5