Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the witch

This is a movie…about a witch. More specifically, the movie, which takes place in Colonial America, is about a family who thinks a witch lives in the woods near their farm. Spoiler alert: they were right. Despite only clocking in around 90 minutes, the movie was a little slow at the beginning. The ending was pretty good, though. But, I wouldn’t call this a typical horror film–it was definitely more subtle than that.

My rating: 3/5

the dead town

This was the final book in Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein series. I was getting a little tired of the series, but figured this would be a good book to read at the beach (which is where I started it). It actually ended up being pretty good and had a satisfying ending.

My rating: 3.5/5


The critters are doing me in this summer. Something (chipmunks, I’m guessing) keeps digging up the larger seeds (beans, peas and the like) that I’ve planted. If they miss one and the seed actually grows into a plant, something else eats the plant. I guess I need to pull out the row covers and see if covering them up keeps them away.

Something else keeps knocking down our bird feeder (and even smashed one of them). We borrowed my dad’s wildlife camera, which takes photos whenever motion is detected, so we will be getting to the bottom of this mystery.

straight outta compton

I was neither in the mood to watch this movie Friday night nor did I want to see it in the first place, but I took one for the team and was pleasantly surprised. The movie was about the rise and fall of N.W.A, the controversial rap group from Compton. While I’m not a fan of rap, their music is pretty good (and sounded great through my tv’s new sound system, which I got for my birthday).

My rating: 4/5


I’ve been fretting about my sidecar’s lighting for weeks. Never mind the fact that it took me forever to find lighting that I liked, I had no idea how it was going to get wired up. I read numerous articles on the subject, but still did not feel great going into the project.

However, once I took a look at how the previous lights were connected, it all became clear (I guess I should have done that earlier in the process). I got everything hooked up and working last night. So long as I don’t blow any fuses, I’m good to go. Just in time for Thunder.

There are some other customizations I’d like to make, namely adding a sidecar headlamp and doing some upholstery work (including a removable seat for the dog), but that’s probably enough work for the moment.