Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the fireman

The is the latest novel from Joe Hill. It was pretty good–better than anything I read from just about anyone else, but definitely not my favorite of his. The plot was pretty fantastical, though. It was about a pandemic which caused the infected to spontaneously combust. I mean, it was a pretty interesting concept, but some of the details were a little hard to swallow.

My rating: not quite 4, but not 3.5, either/5

indian summer

We’re in the midst of some crazy, beautiful weather. It’s too bad I have to go to work this week. I was off on Friday for my annual “planting of the garlic”. I suppose I should have postponed my time off until this week, but it was pretty nice on Friday, too.

I’m still on fall cleanup duty. It’s a shame that it gets dark so early these days as it’s hard to get much done after work. I only have a few things left to do outside, so I shouldn’t have any trouble completing the tasks this week. But, I’m sure I could find other things to do given the nice weather and some time off.


Another week, another obligatory post. Nothing much to report here. I’ve been trying to get some stuff done outside before the snow falls. I have most of the garden torn out and will be finishing that up on Friday, which I took off work to plant garlic. There’s still a lot to do out there, but it’s almost impossible to get anything done during the week with the early sunset.

Once the outdoor chores are done, then it will be time to get some things done inside. Brian installed a bunch of trim in our library, so I need to caulk and paint that. What an improvement that made to the room (even in its unpainted state)! He’s also going to be finishing up the bookshelves this winter, so there will be a lot of finishing to do with those.

We’re also going to refinish the office basement. We originally were going to hire someone to do that project, but it’s impossible to find anyone (not to mention, way more expensive), so we decided to do it ourselves. That’s going to be an undertaking.

gun raffle

My Dad, Brian and I went to the Jaffa Gun Raffle in Altoona yesterday. It was ok. I mean, it’s quite an impressive raffle, but we didn’t win anything, so there’s that. Also, I think one gun raffle per year is enough for me and this was my second. But, it was fun to hang out and take a break from everything.

hedging bets

October arrived today and we pledged to ourselves that we’d take care of the hedge problem in October, so here we are. We went to Stuver’s this morning to see what they had and they talked us into arborvitae, which is a common hedge plant in these parts. All I knew was that I wanted something evergreen. They didn’t have any actual evergreen trees in stock (and they would have been way more expensive anyway), so we went with the arborvitae. The plants we got are 5-6 feet high, but they aren’t very wide. To fill in the gaps, we also purchased some tall grasses. In the long run, the grasses won’t be necessary, but it’s the short term that I’m concerned with.

Brian’s been digging holes all day and is about to put the 7th (and the last) into the ground. Then, he’ll have 6 grasses to go. Daylight is quickly fading, but the grasses are in much smaller pots, so hopefully he’ll be able to wrap things up tonight.