I’m so over Facebook. Unfortunately I have to use it for work, so I can’t delete my account. And, I do like looking at the pictures of dogs that frequent my feed (thanks to the surrounding humane societies). So, I set my feed up to show just that. No more updates from people I barely know (or from ones I actually do know). I should have done this before the election–I’ve wasted a lot of ill will these past few months. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that I don’t need to know what everyone is thinking.
the sickness
I have had the worst cold ever since last Tuesday. Thanks, Jake. Lucky for Brian, he has been able to avoid coming down with something.
Due to my symptoms, I haven’t gotten much sleep in the past week. Brian was nice enough to go to Page Bedding and get me a wedge pillow so that I could sleep upright in bed, rather than on our recliner. But, unfortunately, that is not a cure for a cough, which I have been suffering from the past few days. Nor is cough syrup, apparently. I guess I will live, but I could sure use some sleep. Maybe this weekend…
highly suspect
They are one of my favorite current bands, so we decided to go see them at the Rex Theater in Pittsburgh on Thursday. I caught a horrible cold earlier in the week, so things were up in the air till the last minute, but we made it there.
daddy’s girl
And I thought The Fireman had a fantastical plot. This one had the Underground Railroad, an escape tunnel from a prison and exploding propane tank. A more contrived plot than this, I don’t think I’ve encountered.
Not Scottoline’s best work. Still, it was an engaging read, which I wrapped up rather quickly.
My rating: 3/5
I went downstairs to get something out of the pantry and saw an empty tortellini bag on the floor. At first glance, I thought Buster got into it, but the bag had a fairly small round hole chewed into it and that’s just not his style. There was another tortellini bag, also empty, still sitting on the shelf. This one had the same hole in it.
Brian thinks it might be chipmunks, though how they are getting into that room is a mystery. So far, they’ve left the other food alone, but I should probably find a new home for those items. I think the chipmunks are going to be disappointed in how the tortellini hold up over the winter. They probably should’ve stuck to nuts.