Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


Brian was easier to convince about the cat thing than I would have originally thought. So, I sent my application in to the Humane Society of Somerset County and we picked up our new cat yesterday afternoon. She is a mostly white calico and her shelter name was Callie. We’re calling her Sylvia. Jake came up with the name because he liked Silvio on the Sopranos.

Sylvia was spayed a few days ago, so we have not introduced her to the general population just yet. We did briefly introduce her to Buster this morning and she promptly swatted him on the nose, so now he’s terrified of her. Lizzy would just chase her so no introduction will be made with her. For now, Sylvia has the back half of the house to herself. Once her stitches heal and she can make a getaway, we’ll open the house back up and let the animals figure it out.

Sylvia is Jake’s cat, so all of her stuff is upstairs in his loft. Though, as it turns out, Brian has quite a sweet spot for her despite not wanting to get another cat. In fact he proclaimed, “This is the one!” when he met her. She was the first cat we looked at so none of the other ones stood a chance.


In my previous post, I thought my chipmunk post was missing, mostly because I thought the title was chipmunk. It turns out that it was entitled thief. Crisis averted. I will chalk this up to the fact that I’m on day 19 of my illness and haven’t had a decent night’s sleep all month. I guess I’m not technically sick, but I still have some lingering effects from the cold–namely, slightly stuffed nose, blocked ears, and a cough that mostly manifests itself in the evening, hence the lack of sleep. I’m starting to wonder if this will ever end.


Previously, we thought we had a chipmunk problem in the house. I would link to my post on the subject, but it has gone missing. Not sure what happened there. I’ve been having a problem when editing published posts–when I do this, it creates a 2nd post and makes one of them a draft. Then, I have to delete the extra post. I have to assume it’s related to this (and now I’m wondering if I’m missing anything else. Oh, well.).

Anyway, we thought we had a chipmunk problem because something stole the contents of two bags of tortellini from our basement pantry. It seemed like a reasonable idea that chipmunks might have taken them for their winter storage. And, they may have. But, this morning, Brian was restocking toilet paper throughout the house and the toilet paper was all chewed up. This is mouse behavior for sure. So, we either have a different problem or an additional problem.

All I know is that this is the first fall in 20 years that we haven’t had a cat and now we have rodent problems. I was never a cat fan, but I will take one over rodents any day. Now, to convince Brian.


Jacob is now an officially licensed driver. He took and passed his driver’s test on Sunday. How did he do this on Sunday, you might ask? Well, he took a driver’s safety course through Brant’s Driving School as they do not offer Driver’s Ed at Westmont. In addition to behind-the-wheel and classroom instruction, they also administer the driver’s test. Sunday was the first day Jacob was eligible to take the test and he somehow managed to schedule his test for that day (even though they don’t normally test on Sundays). We haven’t seen Jacob since.

critical judgment

This medical thriller, written by Michael Palmer, starts off strong but ends on a weak note. It begins by introducing a bunch of patients with undiagnosable illnesses. The first two-thirds to three-quarters of the story was rather interesting–it dealt with a physician trying to figure out what was causing the illnesses (with a local manufacturing company being the prime suspect). But, then it ends with underground tunnels (again!) and government testing of biological weapons on unsuspecting citizens. Whew!

My rating: 3/5