Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

end of watch

This was the final book in Stephen King’s Bill Hodges trilogy. I tore through it at a pretty quick pace, so we’ll call it a winner. Unlike the first two books in the series, this one had a supernatural element. It was a pretty interesting concept.

I’ve been waiting a while to read this. I’ve been in the Stephen King Library for 20+ years now and I think this is the first book they didn’t send me. Perhaps I am no longer a member? So, I added it to my Amazon Wishlist and Brian was nice enough to buy it for me for Christmas.

My rating: 4/5

double trouble

When we got Sylvia, she had an ear infection. After two courses of the prescribed ear drops, she was still having ear troubles, so I took her to the vet this morning to have it checked out again. This time, she was prescribed a stronger ear medication and was put on antibiotics. We have to go back in 10 days as the vet could not see her eardrum due to the infection and she wants to see if there’s anything that is causing this to happen (like a polyp). Lesson learned: whenever adopting pets from the shelter, look into their ears before you take them home.

After supper, Jake, Brian and I were standing around and heard a crash and a bunch of thuds. Evidently Buster went upstairs and then fell down the steps as he came back down. At first glance, he looked ok, but then we noticed drops of blood all over the floor. It turned out that he tore one of his dew claws. I tried calling the vet, but they didn’t answer (nor did their answering service pick up). Since they were still open, Brian just ran him over there. They taped up his foot and put him on antibiotics and painkillers.

I do believe this was the first time we had to make two trips to the vet in a single day. Let’s hope it’s the last.

captain fantastic

The always fantastic Viggo Mortensen starred in this dramedy (that turned out to be more drama than comedy). In the movie, Viggo’s character’s wife dies and leaves him with six kids. The family happened to be living off-grid at the time. The wife’s family doesn’t like how the kids were raised, so this causes the major conflict of the story.

In a rare moment, all three of us watched (and liked, but not loved) the movie.

My rating: 3.5/5

4th of july

No, I do not have my holidays mixed up. Rather, this was a James Patterson book. Much like all Patterson books, it was an easy read. I specifically chose it because I figured that I would be getting some books for Christmas (and I wasn’t wrong about that) so I wanted to make sure I could quickly finish whatever book I started so I could get on to my new books.

Patterson always has a twist, but he took this one to a whole new level. This time, everyone was the killer. Well, the ones you wouldn’t suspect. Because I’ve read enough of these, I did guess the one killer, but I was not expecting there to be multiple. So, I guess you could call that a surprise. A ridiculous surprise.

Now, on to my new Stephen King novel.

My rating: 3/5

christmas 2016

Christmas has come and gone once again. We did Christmas Eve at my in-laws’ and Christmas Day at our house with my family. We had Monday off work, but did not do anything of consequence. Though, we did have a visit from my in-laws that night. Yesterday, Jake had a bunch of doctor-type appointments and we had Judy over for supper. That probably concludes our Christmas visits for the year, but you never know what else might pop up.

We’re both off alternating days this week (to ensure coverage at the office). Today’s my turn to go in. I have a few things that need to be done before the end of the year, so I plan on accomplishing those things today. Despite all of the recent days off, I am looking forward to an event-free New Year’s weekend. I have much to accomplish around the house. I keep thinking I’m going to get stuff done this week, but it’s just not happening.