Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

manchester by the sea

This movie was about a guy (portrayed as a loner) who is surprised to find out that he was made guardian of his brother’s son upon his brother’s death. But, it’s more than that, of course. It’s also about the guy and how he got to be the way he is (hint: it’s not a happy story).

My rating: 4/5

jam packed

It was a pretty busy couple of days. On Friday, we went out to eat at Rey Azteca to celebrate Jake’s birthday, which was on Saturday. Saturday, Jake had his prom. Saturday (and part of Sunday) was spent cooking, as we had our usual Mother’s Day/Jake’s birthday get together with the family. This evening, Jake is being inducted into the National Honor Society. Phew!

I guess things will get back to normal tomorrow. Also, the weather is finally supposed to break so I’ll be able to get caught up on all of those things I’ve been ignoring outside this month.


We had the sewer lines replaced at our house last week, The good news is that the job is done. The bad news is that we have to pay for it and do a bunch of additional work (like repaint the floor in the music room, replace the floor in the bathroom, reseed the back yard, and clean up the mess).

We started clean-up yesterday and got pretty far with it–the shop and music room are almost back in order. We can’t fix any of the floors until the concrete cures for at least a month, so that is unfortunate. And it has been raining non-stop since they finished so we haven’t been able to tackle the yard yet, but this week’s weather looks better, so it’ll get done soon enough.

There was one thing that made us feel less bad about paying for this job–the main sewer line for the house was actually broken in half. The guys working on the project said they never saw one that looked that bad and still worked. So, I guess we dodged a bullet there.

This project has also inspired us to finish up some things in the basement (mostly trim) that have been put off for too long, so I guess that’s another positive.

nocturnal animals

Amy Adams and Jake Gyllenhaal starred in this thriller. In it, Adams received a manuscript for a novel from her ex-husband. So part of the movie was about the story in the novel, which was quite good. And the other part was about the main character’s relationship with her husband and ex. Good stuff.

My rating: 4/5

first ride

Brian and I just took our first motorcycle ride of the season. He’s been out on his bike a few times, but this is the first chance we had to go out together. We took a ride to the Conemaugh Gap Scenic Overlook as I needed a photo for Do Johnstown. Since we redid the site last year, it uses larger photos. We’re down to the last few that need to be replaced, and we’ll probably get those via motorcycle trips. Anyway, we did the Haw’s Pike/Cramer Pike loop. It was a nice day for a ride.

In other non-motorcycle news, I painted two of the walls in my “studio” yesterday. Why two? Well, this used to be Jake’s room and he wanted two of the walls to be dark gray and the other two to be turquoise. I wasn’t a fan of the turquoise, so I painted those walls off-white. It looks really nice with the dark gray and really brightened up the room. For someone who doesn’t like to paint, I’ve sure been painting enough recently.