Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the girl on the train (movie)

Brian and I watched this last night. It was much less confusing to watch than read. And, it followed the book pretty closely, too. Bonus: despite the fact that the main character was British, the story took place in America. I might have enjoyed it more if I had not read the book first, since I knew what was coming, but I much prefer to read first, then watch.

My rating: 3/5

lisa lampanelli

Last night, Brian and I went to see stand-up comedienne Lisa Lampanelli at The Palace Theatre in Greensburg. I wasn’t familiar with her stand-up but Brian’s been talking about her for years, so we decided to go. She is known as an “insult comic” and there was a lot of interaction with the audience (basically her making fun of people in the front rows). We also got to see her berate a heckler, so that was kind of interesting. There were some funny moments for sure, but I guess I’m just not that big on this style of comedy. Brian had similar feelings on the subject as he hadn’t seen her perform in a while and his tastes have changed. Still, it was a good way to spend a Friday evening. We hope to check out some more comics in the near future. At this point in my life, I’d rather do that than go to a concert.

crunch time

It’s hard to believe, but Jake is going to be a senior next year. That means, we can move any time after he graduates. Whether we’ll be ready to move is another question. There are a lot of things we’d like to accomplish with the house before then, just to make it more appealing. I suppose we could always sell without doing all of the improvements, but some of them are non-negotiable.

Last weekend, we took a tiny step and painted our bedroom window trim and installed new blinds. You would not believe how much better the painted trim looks versus the stained trim.

One of the things that is going to set us back in our goals is that we have to have our sewer line replaced (it’s tentatively happening at the end of this month) and it’s going to be EXPENSIVE. Also, we’ve been trying to get our neighbor (who we share a driveway with) to get a new driveway for about 10 years. But, whether he’s with us or not, that’s going to happen for us this year (that is definitely one of the non-negotiable improvements that we need to do). Between the two of these things, I don’t see how we’re going to have money for anything else.


This movie was about the “Miracle on the Hudson” airplane incident. Tom Hanks did a great job playing the title’s character (though one thing is for sure, you don’t ever want to get into an airplane with Tom Hanks).

My rating: 3.5/5

the garden

With the exception of a day or two, the weather hasn’t been so nice that I find myself wanting to go outside and garden in the evening. But, I received my onion plants this week, so that forced my hand. Tuesday evening had me weeding and adding soil amendments (greensand and lime). Then on Wednesday, I planted onions, peas, and Swiss chard.

My garlic is looking fantastic. The stuff that was covered for winter fared really well; the ones that I cut back in the fall look good, but not as good as the stuff that was covered. We’ll see how everything ends up at harvest time.