I’ve prepped so much stuff in the past few days that I’m now an honorary Mormon. It all started a few days ago with a half a bushel of peaches. I canned 7 quarts (my canner’s capacity) and froze the rest. I also canned a batch of spicy dill pickles (my 2nd one this season) and froze 2 loaves of zucchini bread and 2 trays of stuffed shells (that also have zucchini in them–I have a lot of zucchini this year). I made a 3rd tray of shells for tomorrow’s supper. Speaking of zucchini, I made minestrone soup early last week and froze the leftovers and am doing the same today for supper. Yet, I still have a refrigerator full of vegetables, so I guess I’ll be doing some more prepping this coming week!
Some people I used to work with at Sunquest thought it would be fun to get together with everyone who used to work at the office, so they put together a little party at B & L Wine Cellars this evening. I’m not one for socializing, but I definitely have a level of affection for these people, so I went and was glad I did.
I got to see quite a few people I haven’t seen in ages. And some others that I haven’t seen in a couple of years, anyway. It was nice catching up with everyone. There was a really good turnout. Over 2 dozen people made it (and it really wasn’t that big of an office).
They’re already planning another one for next year and I’m already looking forward to it.
garden update
Not a bad year so far. I had a good crop of garlic and the tomato plants are still alive, so that’s a start. There’s been a ridiculous amount of cukes, too. And I have never seen a zucchini plant as big as the one that is currently growing in my garden. No carrots this year, though. Something kept eating them (seeds and tops). I’m questioning our future move to the country–I don’t know if I’m up for fending off all of the animals.
This movie was about some astronauts who find a single cell organism in a soil sample from Mars. This cell then replicates into an alien and wreaks havoc. While the movie did have a number of scientifically questionable scenes (Perhaps it was written by a Republican? They tend to ignore science.), I do not have any problem suspending my disbelief in the name of entertainment. And it had one of the coolest alien-killing-a-person scenes since Alien.
My rating: 3.5/5
This was the first M. Knight Shamalamadingdong (sp?) movie I’d seen in quite some time. The previews looked compelling–the main character had multiple personality disorder and that actor knocked it out of the park. So, that part of things was cool, but I was really expecting some kind of major twist at the end, which didn’t happen. For that reason…
My rating: 3/5