Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


Jake applied to two colleges, IUP and UPJ, and was accepted to both! He’s decided to go to UPJ and will be commuting in order to save some money. We’ve been saving for college since he was born and are hoping that we’ll be able to cover all of the tuition costs, but he would have had to get a student loan for the room and board end of things (and wisely decided that his money could be better spent elsewhere). Anyway, he’ll be majoring in business management. It’ll be good to have someone around the office that actually knows something about business. Haha.

In other news, he only needed a few classes in order to graduate from high school, so he’s doing a work study with us for the school year. He’s really good at photography and videography, so we’ve been able to put him on a number of client projects. And this was great timing as we had an employee quit at the beginning of the month (and guess what this employee did? photography and videography).

indian summer

We might be in the midst of an Indian Summer but the cold spell from a few weeks ago just about killed off everything in the garden. Oddly enough, except for the zucchini–I actually picked three more yesterday, though it’s about done now. I never had a zucchini plant live this long. So, I’ve been cleaning up the garden as I have time. Before you know it, it will be time to plant garlic.

But the weather sure has been beautiful. And it looks like it’s going to continue for a little while longer. And then it will be winter.


eric tessmer band

Eric Tessmer was in town for a free show at Peoples Natural Gas Park. We always like to catch him when he’s in town, so we made a point of going there Saturday night. It was a good show. There were a decent amount of people there, but you would think a free show like this would have a better turnout. That’s Johnstown for you.

mistaken identity

This was another one from Lisa Scottoline. If you’ve read one, you’ve read them all. It was an ok book, but nothing special. Something about one twin representing another twin (that was previously unknown) in court.

My rating: 3/5

qotsa again

Ten years ago this month, we took Jake to see his first concert, Queens of the Stone Age. When we heard they were coming to Pittsburgh again in support of their new album (this time to Stage AE), the three of us decided to go. Not surprisingly, it was a great show. Royal Blood was the opener, and they were good, too. We saw them open for the Foo Fighters a couple of years ago. Anyway, we were home by midnight, which is surprising for a Pittsburgh show, but things wrapped up really early. I wasn’t a huge fan of the venue as it was an outdoors show and everyone was packed in like sardines–at least the rain mostly held off.

In anticipation of being tired today, I took the day off. So far, my major accomplishment has been canning another batch of tomato soup (the third one this season!). Not that it’s any small feat–it took about 4 hours to do. Up next: a nap.