Last week, I had to go to the bank in downtown Johnstown after work. I was behind a bus, which ended up being a good thing. The bus stopped at the railroad tracks, as buses are wont to do, so I had to come to a complete stop as well. After the bus pulled out, I followed and heard a thump as the vehicle bounced over the tracks. I looked out the side view mirror only to see Lizzy standing in the middle of the street. Apparently she opened the window the whole way by putting her front paws on the armrest of the back seat and then fell out when I went over the tracks. She has opened the window in the past, so I always keep them locked, but they were (obviously) unlocked in this instance. A good Samaritan stopped and got her off the road before I had a chance to get to her. Luckily she was unharmed with the exception of a few small scratches. Dog mom fail.
I received an AARP membership form in the mail last week. I can tell you that I’m not quite that old yet, but it didn’t make me feel any better about my age. I guess it will be nice to get the discounts even if most of them don’t start until age 55, but that’s going to have to wait a few more years.
gang of two
About a month ago, it felt like the motorcycle riding season was over, so I mentally put my bike away for the year. Jake got his motorcycle permit over the summer, so I turned the bike over to him (sans sidecar) and he and Brian have been going out ever since (who knew the weather was going to be this nice for this long?). He wasn’t able to get into the PA motorcycle safety program this year because the classes were all full by the time he got his permit, but he will be taking it next spring. He’s doing a really good job with riding, but I have to admit, I don’t like the idea of him out on the road.
Strangely, allowing him to ride our bikes did not raise our motorcycle insurance premium. Of course, if he gets his own bike some day, I’m sure that charge will be ridiculous, but at least there’s no additional cost right now.
Brian and I went to the gun raffle at the Jaffa Mosque in Altoona today. We’ve been going to this for a number of years now (but still haven’t won anything). We didn’t stick around too long–Brian had to help out with a scout’s eagle project this afternoon. It was just as well as I had some things I wanted to do before it got dark. When we got home, I made some bread and cleaned out the vehicle interiors for what will likely be the last time until spring. Also had to top up the pond for the third time in the past two weeks since we haven’t had any rain in a month.
Holy crap–it’s still nice out and the nice weather is supposed to continue for at least another week. This is unprecedented. Due to this, I’m ahead of the game in regard to fall clean-up activities. Despite the fact that it gets dark so early, I’ve been able to get outside for at least 30 minutes a day.