Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

brit floyd

This was our first “tribute band” experience and it was an excellent one. While I wouldn’t say that Pink Floyd is one of my favorite bands, I do like them. This band played at the War Memorial last night. I guess they come to Johnstown every year. We will definitely check them out again next time. They did note-for-note renditions of all of the hits plus a couple of songs I wasn’t familiar with. They had a pretty good stage show, but some of the video content was kind of cheesy (I would have been content with a simple light show). I liked this show way more than I expected to. And, we were home by 11, so not everything about getting old is bad, I guess. I like how these non-rock stars start shows on time and finish up at a decent hour.


Last Saturday, Jake received a piece of mail from UPJ. There was a sticker on it that said “Scholarship Award information”. Since he has not yet applied for any scholarships, I thought it must have been information on getting a scholarship, despite the sticker. The reason this was even up for debate was that Jake wasn’t home when the mail came, so it left us wondering.

When he got home, he immediately opened the letter only to find out that he had been awarded the Real World Achievement scholarship at a rate of $2000 per year! Among other things, this scholarship was based on his grades and SAT score. It’s a scholarship that the school gives out so he was automatically under consideration for it.

This weekend, we plan on tacking the Federal Student Aid form because I keep hearing we need to do it. I really don’t think we’ll qualify for anything major, but I guess it is a necessary step. I don’t really know anything about this stuff because my Dad taught at UPJ when I went there so my tuition was covered and I did not have to do all of this stuff. I know, lucky me.

miracle cure

This was a book by author and former M.D., Michael Palmer. As you might have guessed it was a medical thriller. Spoiler alert: Specifically it was about a new drug that was being released which had some bad side effects and didn’t actually work to begin with. This story was written a little while ago, so I doubt anyone these days would even bat an eye at the side effects. Overall the story was ok, but I wouldn’t necessarily seek out this author again.

My rating: 3/5

planting delay

I usually plant garlic around the middle of October, but since it’s been so warm, I opted to wait a bit. I probably should have waited even longer, but I hated the idea of having to plant it in inclement weather (since the weather has been so very nice), so I did it yesterday. Hopefully it won’t grow too much until the cold weather arrives, assuming it ever does (one weather model I saw said that it was going to be another mild winter). With the exception of a few minor wrap-up tasks, my gardening activities have come to a close for the year.

king arthur: legend of the sword

To be honest, I never would have watched this movie if Charlie Hunnam wasn’t the star. Overall, I found it to be pretty entertaining. The special effects were pretty cool, with the exception of the video game-looking fight scene at the end. I still don’t get why it was critically panned.

My rating: 3/5