Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


My washing machine has been on the fritz. I did a little research into the problem and decided we’d be better off buying new rather than repairing. So I went to Krisay’s on Friday and ordered a new one. It is scheduled to be delivered this Friday.

On Saturday, I did laundry as usual and kept my fingers crossed that the machine would hold out. It crapped out in the middle of the last load. Brian was going to take it to the laundromat, but then we remembered that we have another house that has a washing machine (our rental, which is currently for sale, and thus not occupied). Problem solved.

I have four loads lined up for Friday already, so this new machine is going to get a workout.


I haven’t posted in a while, so I guess it’s time for an obligatory post. Not much has been going on, hence the lack of updates. I’m pretty much ready for Christmas–just a few loose ends to tie up to make that complete. We’re having Christmas Eve here, so I’m looking forward to that (I love cooking holiday dinners!).

Just some random topics…Jake completed his Eagle Scout project in September, but still h  asn’t had his board of review. Sigh. When it didn’t happen by Thanksgiving, I gave up all hope on 2017. We were going to have a big party once he got it, but I’m thinking we’re going to have to scale back since he’ll be graduating soon and we’ll be having a big party for that, for sure. People can only take so many parties, you know?

Also, Jake’s photography website is up. Check it out and hire him!

oh, deer

Brian went hunting on the first day of buck and snagged his first non-vehicular deer. Some people around here were surprised to hear it was his first. But, unlike most people, he hasn’t been hunting since he was a teen–he just started a few years ago.

Anyway, he picked up the meat this week and now our freezer is officially full. Between that and the side of beef I split with my mom this fall, there is plenty for carnivores to eat at our house. Not sure what I’m going to do with all of it. But, I think it’s going to involve a smoker.

the big bad city

I didn’t even think I was in the mood for an Ed McBain book, but it turns out I’m always in the mood for an Ed McBain book. This one was from his Carella series, which is my favorite. Nothing special going on just some good crime fiction.

My rating: 3.5/5


Today is Buster’s 10th birthday! That’s a lot of barking. The old guy isn’t slowing down, though (ok, so he might sleep a little more than he used to). So, I guess this means we have two really old dogs (Lizzy turns 16 next month).