Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

since i last wrote

We’ve celebrated Brian’s birthday twice–once at my parents’ and once at his. The events occurred the past two Sundays. Other than that, not a whole lot going on–mostly puppy sitting. Though we do have a pretty hectic (for us) social schedule this month. Stay tuned for all of the exciting details.

sleeping beauties

This book was written by Stephen King and his son, Owen. How two authors can write a book is beyond my comprehension, but that is not the point of this post.

I really enjoyed the book. It has a kind of complicated premise (rife with feministic overtones) and a ton of characters (they were nice enough to provide a character guide at the beginning of the book).

I don’t think I’ve read any of Owen’s stuff, but I’m sure his style came through in this book as it wasn’t completely like reading a Stephen King novel. Nevertheless, good stuff.

My rating: 4/5

pupdate 2

Esme continues to do well. She went on her first hike on Saturday and loved it! She also (mostly) stays in the yard, so we were able to get her outside a few times so she could burn off some of her puppy energy (because walking is not cutting it). She’s still having accidents here and there (but not too many)–she even had a accident-free day, which I was pretty happy about. But, seeing that we’ve only had her for 18 days now, it’s hard to complain about her progress. Her only negative is that she is a total bane to productivity. But, it’s January so it’s not like there’s that much going on.

the babadook

Eh, this movie was ok. It had some good moments, but I found the plot to be kind of thin. It was basically one of those “monsters under the bed” stories where the monster was real.

My rating: 2.5/5


Things are going really well with Esme. Buster seems to like her now (except when she’s trying to play and jumping on his head). Sylvia is still not having any of this (it probably doesn’t help that Esme chases her every time she sees her). Lizzy is too old to care at this point.

The puppy is doing really well with both house and obedience training. She’s having a couple of accidents here and there, but it’s only been a week! She’s already learned sit, down, and stay. Brian is proclaiming her to be the best dog ever. He might be right, but I’m holding off on my judgment until she stops using my floors as a toilet.