Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

everyday ordinary no one

Brian wrote a book! It’s a collection of personal essays called “Everyday Ordinary No One”. Stories will be released to the site every week between now and Thanksgiving. You can read them or listen to a audio version for free. The book is also available for purchase in print and digital formats. What a huge accomplishment!


Despite being off yesterday, I took today off to enjoy the nice weather. Yesterday was full of painting the bathroom, shopping at Conzatti’s, a trip to the vet, and making cookies, so I was not able to get outside, as much as I would have liked to.

Let’s start with Lizzy…she has had diarrhea for over a week and putting her on a bland diet did not fix the problem, so we made a trip to the vet. She is on some sort of antibiotic for 10 days and the vet all but guarantees it will fix the problem, if only temporarily. But if it doesn’t, more tests will be needed in order to see what’s up.

As for the cookies, Jake and I made a double batch of chocolate chip cookies last night. He was playing at his school’s “Coffeehouse” this evening and was required to take in some baked goods.

But, today was so nice that Brian and I both played hooky. We started by taking a hike with Esme in the morning. Esme loves the woods! So does Brian. I’m kind of so-so on it, but I don’t mind going for a hike on a nice trail. Plus, it’s fun to watch Esme in the woods–she’s so good.

After lunch, I started cleaning up the garden a bit so I could plant onions. I’m glad to say that all of the onions are now in the ground. The onion plants I ordered shipped at the end of March and they’ve just been sitting ever since because the weather has been so bad. Luckily, they were still in good shape.

gwendy’s button box

This novella, written by Stephen King and Richard Chizmar, was a good palate cleanser after reading that last book of short stories.

It had a weird plot that I’m not even going to try to explain, but I will tell you that it was a quick and compelling read.

My rating: 3.5/5

lewis black

Brian, Jake, and I went to see Lewis Black at The Palace Theater last night. It was a lot of fun. It was Jake’s first stand-up experience and I think he liked it. For that matter, it was only the 3rd one for me and Brian, so Jake’s ahead of the game. I don’t know who opened for Lewis, but he was pretty funny–definitely the best of the openers we’ve seen.

poe’s children

This was a compilation of short stories put together by Peter Straub. There were really only a few that I liked (and two of those were written by Stephen King and Joe Hill, and I had already read them before).

Thanks to this book, I’m now behind on my reading for the year. Guess I better pick a short one for my next read.

My rating: 2.5/5