Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

poe’s children

This was a compilation of short stories put together by Peter Straub. There were really only a few that I liked (and two of those were written by Stephen King and Joe Hill, and I had already read them before).

Thanks to this book, I’m now behind on my reading for the year. Guess I better pick a short one for my next read.

My rating: 2.5/5

strike 2

My washing machine errored again today. That fix didn’t last very long–eight days to be exact. Brian’s going to call them again in the morning, but I think it’s time to start researching lemon laws.

easter weekend

Brian’s sister and crew were in for the Easter weekend. We got to catch up with them on Saturday night while celebrating Brian’s mom’s birthday.

We had Easter at our place this year, with my family. My mom usually hosts Easter, but my grandmother can no longer get up and down stairs, so I offered to host it since we don’t have any steps to speak of. My mom brought half of the food, which made my job pretty easy.

We had our annual Easter egg hunt for Jake Sunday morning. I guess you’re never too old for that. Despite holding it in the same area (the living room and dining room) for the past 17 or so years, we still had him stumped on a few.

We also had a post-Easter snowstorm and received a couple inches of snow overnight. I’m about done with this weather!


Yesterday, my washer was fixed, so I had some catching up to do. The last load I washed must have made the washer wobble a bit and the nearly full container of liquid detergent that was sitting on top of the washer fell to the floor and the cap broke open. There was probably 1/4″ of detergent coating the floor. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I grabbed a mop and got to work. That worked fairly well, but in retrospect, I probably should have squeegeed up the worst of it first. It’s funny how difficult it is to clean up soap.

court of honor

Jake’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor was yesterday. The event was really nice and we had a good turnout. Finally, all those years of hard work have paid off! He didn’t seem too thrilled at the time, but he’s glad that he did it now.

My mom and I made a bunch of cookies for it. I also made a cake and she decorated it. Not surprisingly, we have enough cookies left over to hold another event.

Up next: graduation.