Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

no thunder?

This might be the first year we don’t do Thunder. Between work, the weather, and Jake’s graduation party, it’s going to be tough to squeeze in any activities. Also, I’ve decided to put my bike up for sale. No bites yet, but I haven’t put it on craigslist yet, either–currently it just has a for sale sign on it. I’ll wait till sometime after Thunder before advertising it to a wider audience.

I’ve been thinking about selling it for a while, but when we got Esme, I was hopeful she’d enjoy riding in the sidecar. While she could potentially learn to like it, her first instinct is to jump out whenever the bike starts moving. It was so easy with Lizzy–I just put her in and off we went. Perhaps if it doesn’t sell, I will revisit the idea with Esme.

you’ve been warned

This was a novel by James Patterson and Howard Roughan. I still don’t understand this co-author thing as it relates to Patterson, but I can say that this particular novel was not one of the better ones. Part of my problem with it was that it had a supernatural tinge to it, which is a first for me with Patterson, so it was a bit confusing because I wasn’t expecting that element. Secondly, it just wasn’t that good. I will not be seeking out any more books by Roughan, that is for sure. You’ve been warned, indeed.

My rating: 2.5/5

the graduate

Another chapter came to a close on Friday when Jacob graduated from high school. He will be attending UPJ in the fall and living at home, so we still get him for a little longer.

After the graduation ceremony, we had a little get together at the house with his grandparents and cousin, but the big celebration takes place later this month. This has definitely been a year to celebrate Jake!


So, my birthday was yesterday. As is customary, I had the day off. I didn’t do anything particularly interesting–mostly errands–but I did manage a nap and some knitting. The best surprise was running into Jake at Giant Eagle, where he was buying me flowers for my birthday–such a sweetie! The three of us also went out to dinner at Franklin Street Bar & Grill. Previously, we celebrated my birthday (and my brother’s) with my family over Memorial Day weekend. So, I guess that’s it till next year.


Esme got a little cut on one of her foot pads and had been limping for a few days, so Brian took her to see the vet yesterday afternoon. The cut was slightly infected so she was put on a course of antibiotics and was also given some pain medication. She’s doing better already. Hopefully we’ll be able to exercise her again soon because she’s starting to get pretty wound up.