Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

memory man

In this well-written story by David Baldacci, a man with perfect memory has to solve a crime (one that has ties to his family being murdered previously). There were a lot of things in this book that required a suspension of disbelief, but it was engaging. I’d try another one of this author’s books, but maybe not from this same series.

My rating: 3/5


This was a so-so comedy with a C-list cast (apparently John Cena is an actor now?). Even so, I gave it a decent rating due to a couple of LOL moments.

My rating: 3/5


I heard some really good stuff about this movie. Unfortunately, most of it was false. It had a couple of cool things going on, but was mostly boring and not all that scary. Plus the male teenage actor got on my nerves. So much for that!

My rating: 2.5/5


I took another class at Penn Highlands, this one a cake decorating class. I found it to be pretty informative and definitely worthwhile. We learned how to ice a cake, do different types of piping, and make roses. Plus, we got to eat the results!

In other decorating news, I rearranged the living room yesterday. I like the new look. Not sure if it’s because it’s different or better, but I think it’s actually better. I still have some artwork to move around, but that will be easy enough to remedy as soon as I have 5 spare minutes.

no sale

Well, my motorcycle didn’t sell, so I put it away for another winter. I didn’t even ride this summer. Not once. I didn’t miss it, either. I will likely put the bike up again next spring, but I reserve the right to change my mind. But, without my riding buddy (Lizzy), it seems unlikely.