Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

mister b. gone

This is the first Clive Barker novel I have read in quite some time. It was a good reminder of what an imaginitive writer he is.

It tells the story of a demon who is trapped in the book (and who talks to you directly while telling his stories). You would think this would be hokey, but it worked.

Unlike some of his previous books, this was a pretty short one (around 250 pages).

My rating: 3.5/5

bird box

Due to the tepid reviews, I wasn’t sure if I should watch this movie or not. But, I decided to give it a go last night and I did enjoy it. Of course, it’s one of my favorite genres (apocalyptic), so that helped turn the scales in its favor. The premise was that some nefarious presence has invaded earth and anyone who looks at it is driven to suicide. Pretty interesting.

My rating: 3.5/5

clothes shopping

A few years ago, I tried out Stitch Fix. It was fun getting new clothes in the mail, but the clothes weren’t my style, so I canceled that subscription and tried Trunk Club. The Trunk Club stuff was a lot more to my liking. However, it came at a big price tag, so I decided to end the subscription last year.

But, I still need clothes, so Jake suggested that we go to TJ Maxx, as I had never been there (I’m not much of a brick and mortar shopper). We went there yesterday and I was pretty happy with the place. They had a lot of brand-name stuff and the prices were great. Jake got two pairs of pants and I got a pair of jeans, two button down shirts, a rain jacket, and a baseball hat. A pretty good haul. And, it left me with enough money left over to buy a couple of pairs of shoes and some t-shirts online (I could find neither at TJ Maxx). After shopping, we went to Panera for lunch. What a fun morning!

a dog’s purpose

This was a cute movie about, well, a dog’s purpose. The story was told from the point of view of a single dog, through several reincarnations and owners. If you like dogs, you will probably enjoy this movie. I don’t see how you wouldn’t.

My rating: 4/5

orphan x

I was really hoping to be into this book by Gregg Hurwitz, as I’ve liked his other stuff. Plus, it’s part of a series, so it would have given me some new books to read. But, alas, I found the writing to be excruciatingly detailed and it wasn’t as enjoyable as I had hoped. I suppose this is in line with the character, who was an orphan and selected for a government program to basically be trained as an assassin. Not too far-fetched, eh? I could live with that because most fiction is, well, rather fictional. But, it just wasn’t my cup of tea.

My rating: 3/5