We had our porch roof replaced this weekend. Poor guys–I can’t imagine doing a job like that in this heat. Everything looks good and I’m looking forward to some rain in order to enjoy the new, leak-free roof.
If nothing else, my garden is doing really well this year. The past couple of years, I’ve had issues with my tomato plants (usually they are on their way out by this point in the season), but they are doing really well this year. I bought a number of disease-resistant varieties to try and all are performing well so far.
The rest of the garden looks pretty good, too. I harvested a bunch of onions today and some were decent in size, which isn’t always the case. My garlic harvest was disappointing, though. I had good germination rates, but the heads turned out small. I’m going to do some additional fertilizing next year and see if that fixes the issue. And, I tried some of those long skinny cucumbers and am liking those, too.
I never thought I’d be saying this, but Brian and I are getting divorced. It’s not official yet, but he is in the process of buying a house and will be moving out shortly (I will be staying at our current residence). We plan on filing for divorce later this year once we both settle in to our new routines. This has been in the works for a while, but I didn’t want to announce anything here until we were able to tell everyone who needs to know about it (families, close friends, employees).
I’m not going to get into the details, but there wasn’t a single “thing” that happened to cause this. I guess you could say this has been years in the making. Since everyone asks…we are still on friendly terms and are going to remain business partners.
That’s all I have to say for now, but I’m sure there will be many changes to talk about in the future.
ulysses, pa
The three of us vacationed in Potter County again this year. The usual stuff occurred–knitting, reading, laying in the hammock, and no electronics. Jake and I added a new activity this year–working on a puzzle. I didn’t think we’d finish, but we got the job done. It was a 1000 piece puzzle, too. Just for fun, he timed how long it took us and it ended up being 20 man hours. Crazy.
Unlike previous years, we did not leave the property during our stay. There’s not a whole lot to do up there and since we’ve been there multiple times, we’ve seen just about everything.
The place we stayed at was great–Brian and Jake proclaimed it to be their favorite cabin. The best part about it was that there was a pond on the property and Esme learned how to swim! She is adorable.
I was looking back at previous vacations and I think this is the 10th time we’ve stayed at a cabin in the woods. Here’s to another 20!
cradle and all
This wasn’t my favorite James Patterson novel, but at least it wasn’t written by one of his “co-authors”. I’m not a fan of his non-thriller stuff, either. But, I will give it this much, it didn’t take long to read. The story was about two teenage girls who were pregnant and one was carrying the child of Christ and the other the son of Satan. Seriously. So, if that storyline is up your alley, have at it.
My rating: 2.5/5