Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

proving ground

Way back when, I read another book by this same author, Peter Blauner, and I couldn’t put it down. If I recall correctly, I stayed up half the night reading it. Unfortunately, the same was not true for this novel. While good, it didn’t pull me in like that. I took it on vacation and expected to read the whole thing while there, but it ended up taking me a month to read. The plot is too complicated to explain, but it was a crime novel, so if you’re into that, you might like this book.

This was a first book in a new series from this author. I don’t think I will continue with the series, but I do plan on checking out some of his previous work.

My rating: 3/5

second act

I should have heeded the critics’ warnings on this one. But I figured it would be worth it just to look at Milo Ventimiglia for a bit. Turns out, he was hardly in the movie. Not good.

My rating: 2.5/5

back to it

I have spent the past five days doing nothing around the house. It all started with the Democratic debates on Tuesday. I don’t know why, but they had them on an hour earlier than last time (they started at 8pm), so by the time we had supper there wasn’t much time to spare before tuning in. And, like last time, the debates were on two nights in a row, so Wednesday was a repeat of Tuesday. Then, my mom invited Jake and I over for supper on Thursday. We went there right after work and didn’t get home until almost 9pm. But, that’s not all–the Flood City Music Festival took place on Friday and Saturday. I went there in the afternoon and again in the evening both days (and, as an aside, while all of the musicians were top notch, Brownout presents Brown Sabbath was the winner in my eyes–they were amazing!). At least on Saturday I was able to accomplish a few things, but it’s going to be full steam ahead starting tomorrow!

the weekend

Two of my employees/coworkers invited me to go to the Ligonier farmers market with them on Saturday. I’ve been wanting to go, so I took them up on their offer. It was very nice–and huge! I purchased a bunch of food items. Everything we’ve tried so far has been great. It was a little pricey, but I guess that’s how these things are. They had a great selection and I’d definitely go again.

Today has mostly been a cooking day (classic shortbread cookies, canned bread and butter pickles, and a kale and potato frittata for supper and the freezer), but it was interrupted briefly by a work event. Jake had to get some photos at Pet Therapy Day at Windber Rec for one of our clients. He didn’t need any assistance but I went along. Because…dogs.


Long story short, I had to get a tooth filled today. My first one in about 40 years! I wasn’t too happy about it, but the dentist did it without giving me a shot, so that was a plus (though it did hurt a little). Brian also had a cavity filled this summer, and the dentist is also keeping an eye on a small cavity for Jake. Coincidentally, perhaps, the Greater Johnstown Water Authority stopped putting fluoride in the water last fall. So, after my cavity incident, I added a fluoride mouthwash to my daily routine. Hopefully that will make up for the lack of fluoride in the water supply. I guess we’ll see how many more cavities I get.