Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

walk, walk, walk

As I mentioned previously, the Humane Society changed their operating hours. So, under normal circumstances, I can only volunteer on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays now. I missed the past two Sundays due to other obligations, so I decided to cut out of work early on Friday to walk the dogs (this was my volunteer day for last week). On Saturday, I did the pack walk, as usual. Then on Sunday, I walked dogs again (this was my volunteer day for this week). Whew! I wish I had one of those mileage trackers on my phone. I’ll have to get one of those because I’m really curious how far I walk in two hours. It has to be at least a few miles, right? Most of the dogs walk pretty fast, but there’s some downtime in between dogs. One thing is for sure, I am tired right now!

el camino

This was a follow-up movie to Breaking Bad. Jake and I watched it last night. We were both huge fans of the show. The movie picked up where the series left off and told the rest of Jesse’s story. I don’t want to spoil the story, so I won’t go into any details, but there were a number of Breaking Bad characters in the movie, mostly in the form of flashbacks. Good stuff.

My rating: 4/5

the afternoon

My mom’s cousin Susan and her boyfriend were in town this afternoon, so we all got together for lunch at Bella’s in Windber. Bella’s is basically a pizza place, so Jake and ordered a pizza. It seemed like a safe bet, but I was not impressed with the food. The company made up for it, though.

After that, we stopped at iCare for our annual flu shots. I like to go there in early October, preferably when the Steelers are playing as everyone in Johnstown seems to be glued to their TV sets at that time. That theory has worked out great for us at iCare, but I tried going to Market Basket once during a Steeler game and it was still crazy busy. I don’t think that place is ever not busy.

The day’s not over yet, but I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening doing stuff inside and out.

django unchained

It only took me 7 years to come up with the almost 3 hours to watch this movie, but I finally did it. Mostly it was spurred by wanting to see the latest Quentin Tarantino movie, Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood (which stars Brad Pitt!), and is about the same length. I figured if I could watch it, I should watch Django. I do really enjoy Tarantino’s movies and this one was no different. As a bonus, Jake watched it with me. I will say when there was about an hour left, I started getting a little bored, but things picked up again and wrapped up in a nice fashion.

My rating: 4/5

volunteer update

I’ve been trying to go to the pack walks at the shelter every week. While I haven’t made it every Saturday, I’ve been hitting most of them. They’ve been getting a pretty good turnout lately, which is great for the dogs.

But, in other news, the humane society has updated their operating hours and they are no longer open in the evenings (except on Fridays). I frequently volunteer after work (from 4-6) so this is no longer an option for me. Fridays aren’t a great day for me, but I might have to make it work on the weeks that I can’t go on Sunday.

Of course, I realize that I work for myself so I can technically go any time I want, but that doesn’t get the work done and I certainly don’t want to be working all evening. I’m sure the change is what’s best for the shelter and the hours are in line with other local shelters, but I’m still disappointed that I may have to give up some of my volunteer hours.