Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I watched this last night on Hulu. It was ok, but not the funniest movie I’ve ever seen. It was a story about a pair of high school age goody two shoes who never did anything fun. And the night before graduation, they found out that all of the other students (who presumably had a bunch of fun) got into the same caliber schools. So, they decide to have an evening of fun, which was predictable.

My rating: 3/5

a beautiful day in the neighborhood

Fred Rogers was the real deal and this was an interesting take on his story. The movie was about how he changed the life of a cynical journalist who was tasked with writing an article on him. It was based on a true story. How much of it was fabricated, I don’t know, but it really was a nice movie.

I saw this at Richland Cinemas with my mom and her friend Fran last evening.

My rating: 3.5/5


The fix lasted about three weeks, but the washer threw the same error code again over the weekend. Luckily it was at the end of the last load of laundry, so it didn’t cause an inconvenience. Krisay’s sent someone over today to look at it, but it (of course) didn’t error while they were here. And, the repairman said that the only thing they can do is replace the board. So, I guess I’ll see how long I can get it to last before I get a new one.

And to top things off, it’s currently 40 degrees in my kitchen freezer.



I just wanted to note this here for the record. The other week, I filed for divorce. We got the paperwork back from the attorney and now have to wait out the 90 day waiting period before getting everything signed and returned to the attorney who will submit it to the court. Once approved, that will be that.