Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


Since Buster is so old, I thought 2020 would be a good time to get a new dog. Then the first week of the new year, I decided that probably wasn’t the best idea. Then I went to the shelter to walk dogs and met Ralphie. So, now I have a new dog. Ralphie is a 6 month old shepherd mix (mixed with what? I’m guessing beagle; I’m planning on doing a dna test on him after I get all of the other new dog expenses taken care of, so we’ll know for sure at some point in the future) and we brought him home yesterday.

He’s doing pretty well, so far. Buster and Sylvester are tolerating him. Sylvia is not, but I guess you’ll have these things. He doesn’t seem overly energetic, but we’ll see how he is once he settles in. His current interests are drinking water, peeing, and chasing Sylvester.

powder room remodel

The old powder room

We haven’t been able to use our basement powder room for quite some time as the toilet has been leaking. The leak also ruined the laminate floor in the room, which made the fix a bigger job than just fixing the toilet.

Since I like to do home improvement stuff in the winter months and since Jake’s now using the adjoining family room as his hangout place, now seemed like a good time to tackle this project. So, last night, I disconnected all of the plumbing and removed the flooring.

On the plus side, it’s now obvious why the toilet was leaking–the offset flange that was installed was pretty much half-assed. I mean, I’m no plumber, but even I can see that it wasn’t installed properly. Plus, when Jake removed the toilet, the wax gasket wasn’t even touching the bottom of the toilet. Sigh. This is why I don’t like hiring people to do work on the house.

Anyway, after a little research, I think I can fix the problem quite easily. I just need to fill in the cement they chipped out to install the offset flange and install a flange spacer to fill the void between the flange ring and the cement floor (since the flange was installed on top of the old flooring and really should not have been). This will set me back about a week since the cement will need to cure before I can screw the flange back in, but I’m not really in a hurry, so I guess it doesn’t matter.

Jake was really pissed about this and wanted to call the original plumber to complain about it, but since it’s not going to be difficult to fix, I’d rather just do it myself so I can ensure it’s done properly this time.

first reformed

I was good with this movie until the very end, then I didn’t understand what was going on. Or maybe the whole thing was just over my head.

My rating: 2.5/5

the holidays

It was a different kind of holiday experience this year. On Christmas Eve, my family came over to have dinner with me and Jake. Jake and I did the usual gift-opening thing Christmas morning, and then he went to Brian’s later that morning, where they opened gifts. In the afternoon, they went to Brian’s parents’ and I went to my parents’ for dinner. That was really it for Christmas.

On New Year’s Eve, my parents invited me to Asiago’s for dinner, then they stopped at the house for a bit afterward. I watched a movie after they left. Jake’s plans fell through so he watched the ball drop on tv with me and I went to bed shortly after. New Year’s Day was quite typical–we put the Christmas decorations away and had our traditional pork & sauerkraut dinner, which Brian joined us for. It’s nice that we can still do some things as a family.

I’m going to forgo a year in review post this year. Will 2020 be better? Let’s hope so.

marriage story

This was a pretty good movie about a couple going through a divorce. I don’t know why, but I thought it was going to be more about the marriage end of things rather than the divorce end of things, but that was not the case. I am glad that Brian and I were able end things amicably. I don’t know how anyone can afford a protracted divorce dispute.

My rating: 3.5/5