Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

of course it broke

I haven’t even had a chance to replace my broken microwave yet and now this–my blender is broken. I shouldn’t complain (but I will anyway), as I’ve had it since the 90s. I guess it’s better than a large appliance dying (though most of those have been replaced at this point).

I looked into getting replacement parts, but it didn’t seem like a good financial idea once I totaled up the cost (I don’t know why the parts were so expensive–perhaps it was due to the age of the blender?)


I had Ralphie’s DNA tested through Wisdom Panel and his results were rather surprising:

  • 25% Australian Shepherd
  • 12.5% Basset Hound
  • 12.5% Bulldog
  • 12.5% Golden Retriever
  • 12.5% Labrador Retriever
  • 12.5% Mastiff
  • 12.5% Siberian Husky

I was guessing German Shepherd/Beagle mix. Maybe with some Collie thrown in. But that wasn’t even close.

doing without

My microwave died on Saturday night. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the motor that went, but the door opening mechanism. I took the microwave apart on Sunday to see if it was fixable, but a plastic part had snapped off, so I guess I’m just going to have to get a new one. You don’t realize quite how much you use a microwave until you don’t have one. The good news is, I’m running out of old appliances to replace.

last hurrah?

Jake and I made our semi-annual trip to TJ Maxx on Saturday. We made a pretty decent haul. Jake got pants, a shirt, and a jacket; I got three shirts, a pair of hand towels for the new bathroom, and a toy for the dogs. After shopping, we went to Firehouse Subs for lunch, which was really good.

Due to this coronavirus thing, I plan on cutting out unnecessary trips among the masses (or at least trying to go to stores during less busy times). This won’t be particularly difficult for me as I never do anything anyway. About the only place I go is the shelter and I’ll continue to do that. However, we have concert tickets later this month that I’m on the fence about. If the virus hits Johnstown by then, it will be a no brainer, but if not, I have a decision to make.

under the skin (movie)

I read this book a few months ago and heard there was a movie adaptation of it, so I figured I’d watch it. As it turns out it was a “loose adaptation”. Very loose. I wasn’t into it at all. I was interested to see how they were going to pull off a few things in the book, but they just skipped over all of the interesting parts.

My rating: 2/5