Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

easter: pandemic style

Some things remain the same, though. I had enough forethought to purchase a turkey breast (I wanted a ham, but they were all huge) and Jake’s Easter basket candy whenever I last went shopping in March. So, he still got a basket and had his Easter egg hunt. But, it definitely was strange not going anywhere for the holiday. I was a little surprised (but not really) to see photos of some large family gatherings on Facebook. Though most families seemed to do their civic duty and stay home. I expect we’ll see another spike in cases in the next two weeks.

zombieland: double tap

Jake and I watched this Friday night. We both really enjoyed it. Much like the first movie, I loved the Bill Murray cameo. I hope there’s a third.

My rating: 4/5


Not much to report here. I’ve just been staying home like a good citizen. Unrelated to the pandemic, I have started gardening (some seeds in the house and onions outside), so it’s starting to feel like spring. The weather is supposed to get nice starting next week, so I’m looking forward to that as there are many things I could be doing outside.

In pandemic news, Cambria County will be under a “stay-at-home” order starting 8pm tonight. How this differs from what we’ve been doing is kind of beyond me (I guess the difference is that they can enforce this order, whereas the previous thing was more of a suggestion, but whatever–it’s not going to make a difference in my life).


jumping the gun

It looks like I should have gone to Saturday’s pack walk after all. The coronavirus was discovered in Cambria County earlier this week and the shelter is now closed to volunteers. So much for that. I did contact them and they have some web forms that need to be created in their shelter software and then added to the website, so I’m going to work on that on the weekends in lieu of walking dogs. I’m glad that I can still help to some extent. But, I hope I can get back to walking dogs soon! I mean, other than my own…

short lived

The governor put further restrictions into place last night, effectively shutting down all non-essential businesses. We can still work from home, but the real question is how long will we have work to do? I guess that remains to be seen. We’re all busy this week, so at least that’s something.

In related news, I’ve been arguing a bit with Jake this week about the social distancing stuff. So, in order to set a good example, I’ve decided to stop volunteering at the shelter until I either get and recover from coronavirus or the danger has passed. I can’t tell you how disappointed I am to have to do this. But, it was going to happen sooner or later anyway–I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a shelter in place directive soon. I did inquire about other things I might be able to do to help the shelter out, so I hope there is something else I can do to help in the interim. I know they are looking for foster homes for the animals. Right now is not a great time for me to do that for a number of reasons, but you never know when circumstances might change. It is definitely something I’d like to do someday and if I can figure out a way to do it during this mess, all the better. But, if you are able to foster an animal, please consider doing so.