I couldn’t stand it any longer, so I took a break from gardening Saturday morning and finished patching the porch. I previously had to put the project on hold because of the weather. I feel so much better now that the holes are gone. And, while it doesn’t look the greatest right now, once the concrete cures in a few weeks, I’m going to paint it.
garden therapy
I took Thursday off work in order to pick up some plants from the Cambria County Conservation District’s annual plant sale. Normally pickup is in April but it got pushed back this year for reasons you might be able to guess.
All of the plants were for my pond area, which I wanted to change up a bit. But, the entire thing was overgrown in weeds, so I had to weed everything before planting. I’m still not quite done with the weeding, but I got enough of it done so that I could get the plants in the ground.
I’m woefully far behind with yard projects this year (thanks, Mother Nature), which is a shame because I’ve had so much free time on my hands the past 2 months. But, I don’t expect the summer to be particularly busy, so I guess I will get caught up eventually.
the art of racing in the rain (movie)
I read the book a while back and they made a movie out of it last year. From what I can recall, they did a pretty good job of it. But, I still think the book was better than the movie (that’s usually the case).
My rating: 3.5/5
happy weird birthday
Yesterday Jake turned 20! Unlike past years where we celebrated with extended family, this one was just the three of us (obviously, due to the current state of the world). I ordered some takeout from Flair of Country for supper and made a cake. We ate and then Jake opened presents. I guess one good thing about having divorced parents is twice the presents!
Anyway, it’s hard to believe he’s 20 already. Time sure does fly.
Like I said before, I’m watching everything. This was a pretty good limited series about the Waco siege back in the 1990s. I felt like the series was pretty sympathetic to the cult leader, David Koresh. But, the end result of what the government did there was rather terrible, so maybe it balances out?
My rating: 4/5