animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the mud bowl

Tonight’s Steeler game should be interesting if it ever starts. Hopefully it will begin before I have to go to bed, which will be earlier than usual tonight since I’m leaving for the Pittsburgh Airport at 6am tomorrow morning. Just what I like to do–travel. Not. This time, I’m going …

i said 7am

Yesterday, I was pretty tired. I spent the day at work and then came back to the hotel, ordered room service, and worked a few more hours. I probably should have gone to bed early, but I had to make some phone calls and I wanted to read a bit, …

stamford. again.

Here I am in Stamford, CT again. This time for a design meeting for my next project. The one good thing I can say about this trip is that at least it’s shorter than the last one. I came up here with another co-worker (we left at 11am this morning …


The title of this post is deceiving. A co-worker and I had to go to AJAX training this past week. The training was billed as being in Chicago, but it was actually in the Chicago suburbs in a town called Schaumburg. Nothing exciting going on there, let me tell you. …

busy as a bee

I have to go to a training class for work next week, so I’ve been trying to get ahead on my household duties so that I’m not overwhelmed when I return. Couple that with Jake’s bedroom remodel and I’ve been quite busy the past few weeks. As I previously mentioned, …