animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


So, how about this winter? This is definitely the most snow we’ve had in the 14 years of living in our house. Even so, it still doesn’t seem like the worst winter we’ve ever had. Granted, from the end of December until the end of February it was non-stop, but …

the weekend has been canceled

Well, not entirely. Our Superbowl shindig is still on tonight. Only our families are coming over, so I’m sure they will make it. Even if they don’t, there’s still going to be a party. New Orleans-themed food–you can’t beat it! However, the rest of the weekend was pretty much a …

not january

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate January? There’s just nothing good going on this month. It gets dark before 5:00. The weather is always horrible. I could go on, but I won’t. But, I’m trying to make the most of the winter and I’ve been doing stuff around …

global warming

Who says global warming is all bad? I was definitely liking the temperature on Monday and Tuesday even if I didn’t get outside to enjoy it. It’s kind of hard to enjoy the nice weather when you’re chained to your desk until almost dark. But, we did open the office …