animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I haven’t had a robin sighting yet, but today marks the first day my yard hasn’t had any snow or ice in it since December. What a winter! This was definitely the worst in a long time, but still milder than it used to be way back when. We have …


Not much to report lately. We did the Easter thing with my family yesterday. In the morning, Jake did his Easter egg hunt. We probably don’t have too many of those left, if any. And what is with this weather? This has been one crappy spring. I’ve maybe gotten outside …


Today is the first day of spring. I also saw the first robin of the year this morning. Despite this seemingly good news, we got a few inches of snow dumped on us today, with more to come tonight and tomorrow. Will gardening season ever begin?


Holy crap–it’s still nice out and the nice weather is supposed to continue for at least another week. This is unprecedented. Due to this, I’m ahead of the game in regard to fall clean-up activities. Despite the fact that it gets dark so early, I’ve been able to get outside …

almost spring

I saw a robin yesterday, so you know what that means–it’s almost spring! As if further proof is needed, I ordered all of my gardening supplies over the weekend, so I’m ready to plant. Of course, you can hardly complain about this winter–the ground barely froze. Weird weather we’ve been …